Tuesday 28 February 2023

February Spending


Today was a strike day.  As a staff we decided not to man a picket line, mainly because we were tired/unwell and the thought of 2 long lies was irresistible!  But we attended a local rally outside the council HQ later in the morning.

Afterwards I walked into town as I had M&S vouchers worth £11.  I had thoughts of getting myself some treats but everything was so expensive.  So I went yellow sticker hunting instead and saw a few good deals.  As it was still before lunch time there weren't many.  But I got a great deal on some ewe's milk cheese, reduced from £4.25 to £1.32 and some jumbo sausages (gluten free) that had almost £1 off.  

But the main reason I went to M&S was because I wanted sushi for lunch.  That wee box cost £5.  It was a delicious but expensive treat.  I really should learn to make my own! 🍣 Total was £12.52 so really I got free meat and cheese then got the sushi for £1.52 😋

So here we are at the end of the month already!  My February spending was rather low 🎉

  • Supermarket/groceries: £107.07
  • Pets: £62.01
  • Amazon inc monthly fee: £70.71
  • Other misc: £56.85
I only bought 3 things on Amazon and none were school related!  I bought books for my new great niece, a finger splint for my injured pinky (tennis related incident on Staff Development day!!) and 4 table legs to turn an offcut worktop into a table for my craft room.

Total February spend (not already planned and budgeted for) was £296.64!  And some of that was on 2 separate pizza deliveries on HMI week!!! 😳

Again I'm not adding anything to my savings this month as I'm still paying the flat costs.  The proposed entry date of today has come and gone with the buyer and his lawyer not responding to calls.  I'm really really hoping the sale hasn't fallen through as the costs incurred to start over will most likely wipe out any profit and eat into my deposit.  Keep your fingers crossed for me! 🤞


  1. That is worrying about the flat. Hope it all works out eventually. I have made sushi but, although it was tasty, it wasn't as good as the store bought. Something to do with the freshness of the fish, I think. I didn't use raw fish.

    1. I wouldn't use raw fish either! I'm trying not to stress about the flat but it's hard :-(

  2. I do hope the sale has not fallen through. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping it works out but I'm not confident :-(

  3. The table legs sound intriguing, I'll look forward to seeing the end result.
    Sorry about the flat - hope all is well there.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I'll post pics when it's done. Keeping my fingers crossed on the flat but it's not looking good :-(

  4. Gosh, Ali, that’s worrying about the flat! I like the sound of the ewe’s milk cheese-does it taste sharp like feta? The weather has definitely turned colder again so you were wise to stay at home and not picket yesterday. Catriona

    1. No it's not like feta at all, more like a cross between gouda and cheddar. Very nice! :-)

  5. I'm sorry the flat is still not completed, fingers crossed it is this month.

    Some good savings there, I do like the M&S yellow stickered things. I used to get some great bargains on a Monday morning in M&S when we lived near the Llandudno branch.

    1. I always feel especially pleased to snag a good M&S bargain!!! :-)

  6. You have a very interesting and helpful blog. Keep it up!


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