Saturday, 1 July 2023

Well that was unexpected!


Well the end of my week took an unexpected turn with my Lovely Mum taking ill and going into hospital!  Luckily she's a very fit and healthy 76 year old so it could have been a lot worse.

I've come back to stay in my childhood home which is lovely and weird in equal measure so I can be with her in hospital.  She's expected to make a good recovery but like me, she's an impatient patient!!

While she sleeps I've been knitting my watermelon socks and finished them this morning šŸ‰šŸ§¦ I'll knit some squares for my sock blanket with the leftover yarn.

Oh, and I'm retired now!  I've changed my header and my About me to reflect my new statusšŸ˜Š


  1. Sorry to hear about your Mum being ill but isnā€™t it great you can look after her at her home. Hope she makes a good recovery. Catriona

    1. Fingers crossed she can make a full recovery but I suspect it will be slower than she wants!

  2. I hope your mum gets well again soon. Happy retirement. It feels good doesn't it :D x

    1. She's on the right path and yes, it feels good!

  3. I'm so sorry your mum has been so ill and so glad you can be with her and help her back to health again. Those socks are fabulous, I just love the colours.
    Congratulations - a new life starts today! xx

    1. I'm just glad I'm able to be here and going forward I'll be more available to help than I would if I was still working!

  4. Hugs and healing wishes for your Mum. The socks look great.

  5. Good that you were available to be with your Mum. I'm sure that was a great comfort to her.

    1. She's in the best place for but it's when she comes home I'll need to work out a schedule. I can't stay here long term. Luckily she has a wide circle of friends who will help until she's back up on her feet

  6. Best wishes to your mum, moments spent caring for family members are very special times. Love the socks!

    1. Thanks, it was a nice distraction just knitting while she slept

  7. Pamela Gardiner2 July 2023 at 07:47

    Best wishes to your lovely mum for a very speedy recovery. Look after yourself well too. My son has been really supportive while Iā€™ve had a broken hip, but itā€™s taken a toll on his health now. Pam

    1. Thanks. I will look after myself too. My friends are constantly checking in with me. I know only too well I'm no use to anyone if I let my own health slip

  8. Oh she's thankful to have a daughter who is willing and able to spend time with her whilst she wishes. x

    1. Thanks. My sister is arriving tomorrow so she has her 2 daughters and her sister to look after her now

  9. Get well soon wishes for your mum x
    And how lovely you are now officially retired - enjoy your new status!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks! Still getting used to calling myself retired though


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