Wednesday 15 November 2023

More wee jobs!

This is pretty much how my days and nights go when both dogs are together 🙄🙄 Luna is a whirlwind!  She always look so serious in photos but she has bags of sass and a very naughty streak!!

Then she looks angelic when she's asleep!!! 👼

It's been another week of wee jobs.  I'm in the routine now of making butter regularly and baking a sourdough loaf every week.  I slice the bread and portion up the butter then freeze them.

The buttermilk gets used in scones (I'm getting better but they're not perfect!) and I use some of my sourdough starter to make sourdough pancakes.  Again, I freeze them all and always have a 'treat' on hand to stop me buying 'treats' at the supermarket.

I've been painting some wooden trimmings to finish off some of the rough edges in my kitchen.  Rather fiddly but I hope it makes it look better.  Photos to follow when finished!

I've been playing around with some Harris tweed scraps trying some Victorian style scrap patchwork.  I had an idea to make a big piece to turn into a bag but the tweed frays too much and it's too thick to turn in the edges like you're supposed to.  But it's been fun trying it and I'll do something in the future but use my many cotton scraps of fabric instead.  I'll think of something else to use up the tweed.

Building work started today on repairing the damaged walls on the extension.  So far they've found extra stuff needing done like replacing a rotten windowsill and fixing a crack in the corner of the roof.  That's the problem when you start doing repairs, you find even more things needing fixed! 💰 But it has to be done to pass a Home Report inspection to put the house on the market!


  1. Those small jobs often add up to big satisfaction. Hopefully they don't find too many problems that need to be fixed in the extension.

    God bless.

    1. The outdoor tap needs to be moved 6 inches and the flue vent pipe on my boiler is apparently too short and doesn't meet current legal regulations!! It's so stressful as I just see my savings dwindling away. But once the jobs are done it will feel good! :-)

  2. Have you got some place in mind once you sell? That's my conundrum - where would I go as I don't want to own again. Rentals are expensive here at the moment.

    1. I'd like to stay in the area but I'm prepared to move a little way out of Stirling. Ideally a 1 or 2 bedroom bungalow with a garden. Renting is very expensive here too and not secure. I have a few friends who have had to move a lot as their landlords sell up due to higher mortgage rates. A 2 bed flat/apartment here is around £900 a month which is why my son and DIL live with me!

    2. Could you edge each Harris Tweed patch with blanket stitch? It should stop any fraying and would look okay. You could either use a matching colour or a contrast to add extra colour. It would take time but it might be the way to go.

    3. Yep, I tried blanket stitch and it still frayed. I had to unpick it and it frayed even more!!

  3. could you use bodaweb to bond them to the fabric and then stitch over as the web would stop them fraying

    1. Yes I think I'll need to use bondaweb to stabilise the fabric. The pieces are so small and fray easily. But I don't have any Bondaweb at the moment but might invest in some for a future tweed project :-)

  4. Try Fraycheck - it's a bit like clear nailvarnish - you paint it on the edges of the fabric........your idea is lovely, enjoy holding down the edges with colourful hand stitches is so relaxing to do. Hope your house repairs go well. Take care, Elaine

    1. Not heard of that before, I'll go have a look for it. Thanks :-)


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