Tuesday 9 January 2024

Free food


Luna was at doggy day care today for the first time in a month.  This meant I had the chance to pop into town to do some errands and collect my new glasses (paid for in November so not in my 2024 budget!)  I popped into my local community food shop and got all the above food for free.  

I've talked before about how this particular project is free to anyone (not means tested) and their aim is to reduce food waste.  None of the above food could be donated to a food bank as it's all past their dates.  You can't tell from the photo but all the M&S produce is actually frozen.  They have big freezers now and freeze as much of the fresh ready meals etc as they can.  Full price on the above should have been £31.45 but once it's past the date it can't even be sold with a yellow sticker.  If the community food shop doesn't take it, it goes in the bin 😲

It's just pot luck what's available.  Today there was hardly any fresh veg and I got the last bag of lemons.  I'm not a fan of turnip/swede/rutabaga as a side veg but it's good to bulk out a stew or soup.  Everything got chopped up and frozen asap!  

There's always loads of bread at the shop (today it was all M&S bread) but I'm now in the habit of regularly making my own sourdough bread.  I also made more butter this week so had buttermilk to make scones.  Not my best looking effort but they're delicious.  Also portioned up and in the freezer!

I know I'm very lucky to live somewhere that is so proactive in stopping food waste.  There are many other fab projects within Stirling that take food waste from the supermarkets, restaurants and local shops and make 'ready meals' to give away free.  They even deliver!   As far as I know you do have to be referred by social work or a school so by using the community shop I'm not taking away anything from those in need.  There are also many drop in cafes and warm spaces where folk can always get a hot meal, no questions asked.

Once I've moved house and get everything settled I'm planning on volunteering with them 😊


  1. This is great, so much better than it going to waste
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's hard to believe that just a few years ago all this would have been dumped in landfill! No waste and free food for me! :-) xxx

  2. I love this idea and wish we had something similar here.

    God bless.

    1. Whoever came up with the idea is a genius! Although I think the threat of fines pushed supermarkets to be agreeable to donating it all :-) xxx

  3. What a great idea and so glad that you make use of the food. I enjoy my volunteering roles and people are always surprised that I treat them in the same way I treated my paid employment ie I turn up on time, treat people respectfully, prepare for classes and meetings.etc. Catriona

    1. I don't understand why people volunteer then treat it so casually. The shop used to open 7 days week but a lack of volunteers made them reduce their hours . They do an evening opening too now which is great for those who work or have commitments during the day :-) xxx

  4. You are lucky. I don't think there's anywhere like that around here. It's brilliant. xx

    1. If you do a wee google search for community food pantry/fridge in your town/area, you might be surprised to find something :-) xxx

  5. What can I say but 'well rescued', the thought that this good food might have ended up in landfill is heart-breaking isn't it. And to my mind no matter how ugly a scone is, they always taste nice with butter and jam ... but I actually think yours look very nice. :-)

    1. It's shocking that just recently all this would have gone to landfill. Such a waste! To be fair the scones are tasty, just a bit ugly!! :-) xxx

  6. Hi Ali. Are you still making gluten free sourdough? I bookmarked your blog when you started to remind me to try it but I haven’t got there yet 😂 I am interested to know how well GF sourdough works. Thank you, Ellen


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