Saturday 6 January 2024

Weird laundry sizes (shrinkflation in action!)


I was watching Frugal Queen on YouTube yesterday.  She was talking about her bargain laundry liquid stock up for the year and it got me thinking.  I thought I'd got a bargain on my Ecover liquid but out of curiousity I went online to search for some prices to compare.  Oh my goodness I went down the rabbit hole of shrinkflation!  

I knew my usual Ecover bottle size had shrunk from 1.5 litres to 1.43 litres but just look at the weird and wonderful sizes of some of the other big brands!!!!  Fairy Non Bio is 1.225 litres or 2.45 litres.  Persil Non Bio is 1.538 litres.  Why such weird sizes????

Interestingly the supermarket own brands are still 'normal' sizes like 1.5 litres or 750ml.  I hate to say that with my shrinking budget, using Ecover is now a luxury I'm going to have to cut out 😔  I'll be switching to an own brand that costs £3.42 for 1.5 litres and does at least 60 washes, making it cost around 5p a load.  Ecover costs 23p a load (or 16p if I can get it at Nectar prices.)

The weird sizes make it harder for consumers to work out cost per load unless you've got the time (well I am retired now!! 😂) and inclination.  I should look into making my own I guess or look at some of the Eco alternatives.

Anyone make their own or use an eco laundry ball?  Is it cheaper?  And more importantly would they work on doggy smells??


  1. Hi Ali. As a regular reader of your lovely blog, I was interested to see you use Ecover . I have used it myself for the last 15/16 years. Originally as it helped with eczema . Bed linen and towels washed in other products had me itching. . I buy mine in 5 litre containers whenever there is an offer I will if I can afford to, get two . Recently I tried faith in nature fabric conditioner and their washing up liquid both bought when on offer.
    Both worked equally well for me and are brilliant for dogs dishes and for their bedding. I shopped around on line for the best deal. Hope that helps.
    Happy New year. Tish x

    1. Hi Tish, thanks for commenting! I've looked at Faith in Nature previously but not tried it. I might have look round the internet to see if I can get a small sample to test. Buying in bulk would def save me money but right now I have nowhere to store it! :-) xxx

  2. I use an Ecoegg for most of my washing It's a big outlay but great value long term. It might be a god substiture for Ecover. Not everyone likes them but I do.

    1. I had a look at the website, that might work out better for me if it works on doggy smells! :-) xxx

  3. I've only recently started using an Ecoegg but so far have been happy with the results. Not sure how effective it will be on heavily stained items as not had any yet xx

    1. Good to know you're happy with it. I just wonder if it would cope with my gardening mud and doggy smells! :-) xxx

  4. I used the eco egg but after a number of washes I didn’t feel the clothes smelt fresh. I use half the amount of liquid recommended as I find the fragrance left on the clothes is strong. I don’t use fabric softener as I don’t feel it’s needed. Catriona

    1. I use half the amount too unless it's a heavily soiled load. That seems to work as we've got lovely soft water in Scotland. I've never ever used fabric softener :-) xxx

  5. What a difference in sizes now. It really is getting difficult to figure out costs per load.

    God bless.

    1. Even within one brand there's a range of bottles sizes and a wide range of number of washes. I find it very weird!! :-) xxx

  6. I really dislike shrinkflation, it’s deceiving the consumer. The French government are making it a requirement for labelling to be put on products where sizes have shrunk and some supermarkets have already started doing this to show consumers. It might have come a bit late but I definitely agree with it. I’m savvy enough to spot a lot of it but many people like you say don’t have time or struggle for many reasons. I haven’t brought Magnums now and never will, they shrank them but packed them in the same box. When questioned, the company line was it was for health reasons and they wanted to offer the consumer a treat with less calories! Yeah right

    1. You're absolutely right, it's deception!! I don't understand why they can't just be honest and say the cost of the raw materials has gone up or they're paying their workers a living wage. I'd like to think most consumers would understand! :-) xxx

  7. I bought pure liquid soap and washing soda. I have Nancy Birtwhistles Clean and Green book, it was one of her methods.

    1. You've just reminded me I have a copy of Clean House, Clean Planet somewhere. I need to look it out! :-) xxx

  8. I once tried making my own washing liquid but it was a bit of a disaster and kept solidifying in the bottles, no matter how much water I added.

    1. That's the kind of thing I'd be worried about. I'd buy all the raw materials and then it wouldn't work! :-)

  9. I tried making my own laundry liquid, got the measurements wrong (my fault) and ended up with a brick in a bottle. BUT I just kept watering it back down and am still using it. Now I'm horrified at the cost in the shops for what is basically just a bit of soap and water. I looked up a "recipe" online and still make my own, plus fabric softener. My DIL is what got me onto this as my little grandson's clothes always smell so lovely!

    1. I think I'm leaning towards making my own. You're so right, it's just soap and water but we've been sucked into relying so much on our washing machines and thinking we need 'special' products :-) xxx

  10. I use an Ecoegg for quick daily washes, but I predominately use smol capsules and only one per wash. In fact I have only ever used half of the recommended amount of any laundry product I have used. Using the full amount can ruin clothes so much quicker.

    You can get a free trial pack of smol products if you haven't had them before, this would enable you to see if they work on doggy smells.

    1. I forgot about Smol! I'll go have a wee look at their sample service :-) xxx

  11. Hi Ali. I forgot to add at the bottom of my earlier comment that brilliant places to look for ingredients and how to make cleaning and household products are Down to Earth , both book and blog by Rhonda Hetzel. Also little house living book by Merissa A Alink. This last book also has usefully recipes for body products and food recipes for people with recipes.
    It was recommended to me by a friend knowing I was Coeliac. The household cleaner products my friend makes are brilliant.I have tried some of the g f recipes also brilliant
    Best wishes T ish x

    1. Forgot about Rhonda! I started following her blog years ago when she only had a few hundred followers. Look at how she grew from there!! I'll check out the other book too, thanks! :-) xxx

  12. That's supposed to say people with allergies. ( my kindle has a kind of its own). Tish x

  13. I've just caught up with this Ali, if you're very interested in making your own cleaners etc I can recommend Tanya at Lovelygreens and Elly at Ellyseveryday . Elly is also expert at sourdough.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I follow Tanya on YouTube and use her calendula cream recipe but don't know Elly. Will go look her up! :-) xxx


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