Tuesday 23 January 2024

Isha and Jocelyn


I didn't know that the Met Office only names a storm when there's a loss of life threat.  Storm Isha hit Stirling (and other places) pretty badly.  We had gusts of 90 mph winds throughout Sunday evening and through the night.  Fortunately I haven't had any structural damage but my garden stuff and bins were blown about.  And I have a bit of someone's fence blown down into the garage side of the house.  It's not my neighbour's so goodness knows where it came from!

Rural parts of Stirlingshire lost power and there's a lot of flooding.  I think the river will burst it's banks again and flood the allotment.  I'm not going to check, I'll wait for someone to post in our FB group.

The only 'damage' I have is a tiny drip from the sky light in the utility room.  I've had that for ages but it only drips when we have really heavy rain plus wind.  I've got my roof guy booked in to check it out soon.  Until then I have a basin underneath it to catch the odd drip.  Storm Jocelyn is due to hit us from noon today but it's only a yellow warning.  Just tons of rain methinks! ☔

I'm continuing to stick to my low spend year of groceries.  I've been baking a bit more to satisfy my sweet tooth instead of buying sweets (I have a bit of a fruit pastille habit!!)  I used up the last of my bargain jars of mincemeat from last year and made some pastry.  These ugly sausage roll looking pinwheels were absolutely yummy and hit the spot.

Other than doing a bit of tidying up and sock knitting, I'm having a very lazy January.  I was thinking last night that I haven't been 'busy enough' or 'done enough' but then remembered I'm retired now.  I don't need to be busy unless I want to be!!  And right now thanks to Isha and Jocelyn, I just want to be cooried into my house and keep myself warm by the woodburner! 🧶🔥 


  1. Being safe and warm and cosy indoors sounds like the best place to be. Glad you had no damage.
    The storms weren't too bad over here in Suffolk and today it's just more rain.

    1. The rain is making everything sodden!! It's very unpleasant trying to get outside even to put stuff in the bins! :-) xxx

  2. Very stormy down here in Wales, but no problems for us so far.
    It's a good idea to bake your own treats instead of buying sweets/choc, I'm doing the same, and have loads of lovely homemade mincemeat over from Xmas, made some great turnovers the other day.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I've been making loads of mincemeat flapjacks but they don't last long as other people in the house eat them too!! :-) xxx

  3. I hope this next storm does not cause much damage to your area. I wonder where that fence came from??????

    God bless.

    1. It's an 8 feet long plank! No idea where it came from or how it blew into the narrow path between the house and the garage!! I think Jocelyn will be more rainy than windy in my area :-) xxx

  4. Replies
    1. I was delighted when my son's work cancelled all after school and evening activities so I don't need to leave the house to take him to work! :-) xxx

  5. Quite windy here now at teatime and I’m coorieing in with some knitting and an hour of Mindfullness at 7pm. Catriona

    1. It's the best thing to do in this awful weather. Enjoy the mindfulness :-) xxx

  6. Glad that you are ok. We had it bad enough here in Yorkshire, but not as bad as Scotland. Much as I would love to move further North, the weather is a definite disincentive. That and the fact that I am irresistible to midges!

    1. You know the weather is bad when Stirling gets it bad. We're sheltered by the hills so don't take the hit too often. Not many midges here in Central Scotland, thankfully!! :-) xxx

  7. As I wind myself down to retirement and have less and less of my day job to accomplish, like you I find myself thinking that I'm not being 'productive enough' or getting on with things enough. It's the training of a lifetime of working and being busy isn't it, I need to find a new way to slow down and not feel guilty about the slowing.

    I bet your mincemeat rolls were delicious, you can't go wrong with pastry and tasty, rich dried alcohol flavoured fruits can you.

    1. It's definitely the training of working at 110% all the time or you're slacking mentality! I'm getting better at slowing down but every now and then I have to give myself a wee reminder! The mincemeat rolls were delicious even though they looked awful!!! :-) xxx


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