Saturday 13 April 2024

Leaking money


I've been nursing my laptop along for a wee while (it's not been able to close for about a year) but this week it finally became too far gone to use safely.  The screen was hanging on by a single screw and some wires were exposed!  So I bought a new one with help from my son who is my in house tech support 😂  I don't need anything fancy and it's more or less a similar model to the old one.  The bizarre thing is that the new one was cheaper than the old one cost me 4 years ago!!  

My son set it up for me although I'm perfectly capable but as he's an 'expert' I just left him too it.  I've had to switch to using Edge instead of Chrome (there's a genuine technical reason apparently) but my son in exasperation at my moaning about the change called me a boomer!!!  I reminded him that for the last 10 years I've successfully used many aspects of technology in my classroom and that I'm far from being a boomer.  Actually I'm Gen X being born in the late 60s!!! 😂😂😂

I was talking to my 3 besties about leaking money and they're in a similar position.  One had to replace all 4 tyres on her car to pass the MOT.  Another broke down on her way home from a holiday in Wales and had to pay to get her car fixed.  And my other friend is currently getting her bathroom re modelled and they've found leaky pipes that need replacing adding to the overall cost.

Is there a retrograde planet somewhere bumping into stuff in the cosmos causing all this money leakage?? 🪐😂


  1. Ali are you an Aries by any chance because our current line up of planets is and will be causing havoc until around the end of May😱. Happy days eh? Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Yep, I'm Aries. I also have my sun in Aries and my moon in Aries. I'm as Aries as you can be!! LOL! Hopefully it'll done by the end of May as that's when I'm moving house :-) xxx

  2. When stuff starts to go it always feels like it all goes at once doesn't it....
    We are 75 quid lighter after Eon. charged us for changing tariffs ( on their advice) presumably OH skipped through the small print that said there would be an arrangement fee!! We've now changed to another provider, but that won't get back the £75 😩
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Oh no!! Always check the small print! :-) xxx

  3. Oh gosh that's not good, and now I'm worried by Jan's comment ... I'm an Aries too. It's time to look after everything we own very carefully it seems. 😄

    1. I'm trying really hard to treat things gently and look after them now!! Roll on the end of May :-) xxx

  4. I’m a. Capricorn and in the last year we have replaced the fridge, freezer, cooker, washing machine and combi microwave. We need a new kettle and toaster but we’re making do with the motorhome ones just now. Catriona

    1. Ooft!! All the big ticket items. Even kettles and toasters are not cheap these days :-) xxx

  5. Congratulations on buying your new house! I've been away from blogland while my cousin is staying with us from Australia but she's out for lunch today so I sneaked a peek and it's all happening! I'm sure you'll soon have the place ship shape even if you've to live on beans on toast for a while lol. Have you seen the film The Moneypit with Tom Hanks? I hope you're house move goes better than that lol. x

    1. Thanks! Not seen The Moneypit but I can imagine!!! At this rate it'll just be toast, never mind the beans :-) xxx

  6. Being yet another Aries I'm now worried about what will be going wrong/breaking down here! and all through May too - Oh heck!

    1. Lol! Funny how a lot of us are Aries and we're all worried now!! :-) xxx

    2. Aries too! It might explain my latest house buying hitch - the title deeds are in the seller's long deceased husband's name. Cue a six to eight week delay before conveyancing can start. I'm leaving the offer on the table but looking again in a very thin market! xx

    3. Oh no!! You've had really bad luck with the legal paperwork on your offers. And yep, the market is very thin right now despite my estate agent saying it picks up after Easter!!! :-) xxx

  7. I have been using Edge for a very long time now, and don't mind it a bit. I will use Google, but not Chrome. That really bothers my techie son for some odd reason.

    God bless.

    1. I'm getting used to it after a few days. It's just that I've been using Chrome for years at home and at work. My son is good at what he does but he's rubbish at explaining it which frustrates me. Hence the boomer comment!!! :-) xxx


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