Tuesday 28 May 2024

I'm ready!


Just 2 more sleeps and it's moving day.  

I'm ready!

I'm ready to get my retired life up and running.

I'm ready to get my health and fitness back to full strength.

I'm ready for the next phase of life.

Can't wait!  Watch this space 💖


  1. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. Here's to the next chapter. Xx

  2. Good luck in the future, I wish you all you wish yourself. Oddny x

    1. Thanks! Lovely to hear from you, hope you are well! :-) xxx

  3. Super photo. Good luck with the move.

  4. Good luck with the move and the start of your new life.

  5. Thumbs up to you, and I hope the move goes very well.

    God bless.

  6. Well done Ali. Happy nesting at your new house, and wishing you all the joys of making it truly yours. And looking forward to reading how you're getting on xxx

  7. Your new life begins, sending you love and energy for the move and the fun ahead 😘. Jan in Castle Gresley

  8. Love the energy of this post!!!May happiness come with you to you new home. Emma. X

  9. Exciting and emotional at the same time! Good luck with the move and hopefully by this time next week, you will be settled and enjoying your new home!

  10. We're ready ... to watch you achieve everything you have worked so hard for. The next chapter should be the great, wishing you all the very best for your new future. xx


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