Tuesday 21 May 2024

Bit annoyed


I'm a bit annoyed as my energy company is telling me that the new house I'm moving into has a pre paid meter for gas and electricity.  This wasn't disclosed in the home report or in person when I viewed.  So if it's correct (I've emailed my lawyer to find out) then they've been a bit sneaky!

Does anyone have experience of getting one removed if you're the new owner?  I know it's possible but how easy/quick is it?  I do not want to pay inflated prices for my energy use!!

9 sleeps to go!!


  1. When we moved here in December, the meter was one of those key card prepay things, which we'd never had before and knew nothing about. Once we started using it, we quickly found out that the tariff (for the current supplier) was very expensive and we were paying a huge amount for our energy. We got in touch with our previous supplier (from our old house) to ask for a change of meter - they said there was a very long waiting list for smart meters. They suggested we carry on using the key card meter in the meantime, but would send us a new key for their own supply, rather than us using the existing supplier. I objected, saying it was too expensive, but they (Octopus) said their key card tariff is the cheapest of all their tariffs, and the current one with a very large rival firm was among the dearest. I was skeptical, but it has proved to be the case - we are now paying a fraction of what we were with the existing supplier! So I would say check what the tariff is.

    1. I'm still waiting for confirmation from the owner before I can go ahead and make the change. They've not responded yet to my lawyer's email :-) xxx


  2. I think the rates are capped under the Government scheme until September (albeit more expensive than the standard tariff I think)

    1. I learned that yesterday but still need to find out more! :-) xxx

  3. I hope you can get it changed sooner, rather than later. Wow the time for your move is certainly coming up quickly.

    God bless.

    1. I know I can get it changed but don't know how long it will take :-) xxx

  4. I think they're not allowed to charge more per unit now. However, it is annoying that it wasn't disclosed earlier. I did buy somewhere with prepayment meters once, and didn't have any trouble getting it changed. Hopefully it's still easily done. 🤞

    1. I'm very annoyed it wasn't disclosed then I would have had more time to find out what to do about it! :-) xxx

  5. I would have been very cross too that this wasn’t made obvious to you. We had a prepayment meter in the charity shop where I volunteer and it cost a fortune-one of us was always having to run to the nearest outlet to top up the card. Hopefully your lawyer can help. Catriona

    1. I asked about it in my frugal group and most people said it can't be more expensive than direct debit. I've no experience with these meters so I just don't want to be in a position where I've got no power due to a lack of knowledge :-) xxx

  6. That's so annoying. I have never changed a meter, but I should think if you get things in motion straight away it can be sorted out.

    1. If the current owner hurries up and responds then I can get right on it! :-) xxx

  7. We bought our first house and discovered the meter on moving in day. When I contacted British Gas they created a fuss saying I had no record of ever being a customer. I had rented for years so of course I had a history with them eventually, they agreed and installed a meter. I hope that Scotland is more reasonable. Good luck with a smooth moving.

    1. Moving house is stressful enough without added nonsense from energy companies! :-) xxx

  8. Wow Ali, I would be seriously annoyed too to find that out so close to moving in.
    Update here is the paperwork for the title deeds correction re the house I'm buying should be completed in the next two weeks. Then the conveyancing can start. Moving in date should be late July /early August. Fingers crossed! xxx

    1. That's great news! Fingers crossed all goes well for you :-) xxx

  9. That's naughty, isn't it. It's the sort of thing that should be mentioned. I'm not surprised you are cross about it. I would be too. xx


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