Saturday 18 May 2024

Tackling the garage


I've finally made a start on emptying the garage 😱  My new house doesn't have one so all the 'stuff' I've dumped/hidden/stored in there has nowhere to go except into one bog standard sized shed.  I'm being ruthless!!  I've got a special uplift booked this coming week.  Costs £53.70 for 5 bulky items so I can get rid of the stuff that won't fit into my wee car.  Once upon a time it was a free service.  Then it was only for over 60s.  Now everyone has to pay.  Makes you wonder what they're using your council tax for... 

Everything else I can sort and take to the recycling centre.  They've introduced a new online booking system so you can't just turn up any more.  There's been a big outcry locally about the changes but booking a slot was easy.  And it's still free although you have to give them all your details plus say exactly what you're recycling.  When I got there it was the busiest I've ever seen it!  Maybe just teething troubles.  The staff aren't supposed to help you unload but the guy supervising all the different skips gave me a hand with a broken chest of drawers I was keeping to upcycle 🙄 I've got many more car loads to book in next week so I'll see how it goes before I decide if it's an improvement or not!

Everything that can be packed into boxes is packed.  My huge roll of bubble wrap is seriously depleted!

I've taken down all the curtains and lightshades I'm taking with me.  It makes the rooms very echoey!  I think I'm as packed as I can be at this stage with the house stuff.  The garage is a work in progress.

Luna is finally out of season and can be walked again but isn't allowed to go back to puppy day care yet.  So that's making things a bit more challenging than I'd planned! 


  1. That's quite a task, but I admire your organisation. I avoid the tip like the plague but we now have the obligatory booking system so I suppose that makes it more civilised.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I never thought I'd say it but I'm just desperate to move now. It's just the garage and kitchen stuff I'm still using left to pack. Being 24 degrees today isn't helping my mood either :-) xxx

  2. Two houses ago, I took emptied a garage without one at the next house. It was a lot of work! Make sure you have wee breaks, and drink plenty of fluids. My tip men were helpful too, in the Wee County. My left shoulder and wrist are still recovering, despite being careful. We're not getting any younger! Please take care xxx

    1. Yep! It's stuff like this that makes me realise I'm 58 now and need to be more careful!! Luckily I'm able to leave some 'big' stuff as my buyers are currently renting and have agreed to take my huge table, the garage freezer and the shelving. So I don't need to deal with that. I do need to make decisions about what DIY stuff I'm actually going to use as I have a lot of paint and 3 different sorts of bathroom and kitchen tiles :-) xxx

  3. Our council is the same for uplifts and it’s causing fly tipping galore. I like the idea that you could book to go to the recycling place as my husband went last Monday and was turned away. I’m giving away/donating still and trying not to bring in anything I really don’t need. Catriona

    1. Yep, local concerns are over the fly tipping threat. I'm using this opportunity to really simplify things as I just won't have the space to store anything extra! :-) xxx

  4. Ali, remember me? Alice in Orkney? Throw, throw, throw! I could have cried at the stuff I let go, moving south. I haven’t missed a single thing. xx

    1. Hi Alice!! :-) Yep, I'm being ruthless and throwing out (recycling where I can) about 80% of the contents. If it all went up in smoke there's nothing I'd miss so I'm using that to steel myself when deciding :-) xxx

  5. You're doing well to be so organised and up to date. If you're anything like me, you're running on adrenaline - I know I was in Nov/Dec when we moved, think I collapsed (figuratively speaking) a week or so after we moved in and I'd got all the important stuff unpacked.

    1. I suspect once I've moved I'll get a bug of some sort and be laid low for a wee while. Adrenaline takes you so far and then my body just says nope, you need to stop! So I'm prepared for that :-) xxx

  6. I used the Freecycle website to get rid of a lot of stuff from my late parents’ home. It’s amazing what people will take! Good luck with your move.

    1. I've managed to give away and donate some stuff. Plus I'm leaving stuff for the new owners. Even so, there's still a lot of 'stuff' :-) xxx

  7. The thought of clearing my house gives me the heebie-jeebies! Maybe I will just stay here until the end and let my kids look after it.

    1. I've threatened my mum that I won't be clearing her house, I'll just get a big skip and dump it all!! I'm only part joking!! She's been clearing her stuff a wee bit at a time aka the Swedish Death Cleaning style :-) xxx

  8. I am really worried about clearing my home when the time comes. You are doing well.

    God bless.

    1. My plan in the new house is to have nothing 'hidden' from sight. I've been guilty of putting stuff in the eaves and the garage because it might be useful and then forgetting about it as I don't see it. If it's hidden for almost 11 years then I don't need it! :-) xxx

  9. Oh yes.. ruthlessness is important when downsizing.. Good luck. It's not an easy job.

    1. I wasn't ruthless enough when I downsized 11 years ago so I'm doubly determined this time round!! :-) xxx

  10. You're doing great! I don't envy you a bit, its so hard to part with stuff although I think once you're in 'the zone' it gets easier. I suppose it also gets easier when you know you will have nowhere to store it too lol. Good luck with the move, hope all goes smoothly. x

    1. Thanks! I've noticed I've written on a lot of the boxes "2nd bedroom" clearly thinking all the 'extra' stuff will fit in there!! I've got the special uplift booked for tomorrow so hopefully that will free up some space in the garage to see what's still to be sorted :-) xxx


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