Saturday 11 May 2024

Taking the garden with me


You're not supposed to dig up and take your plants with you when you move unless you have already agreed with the new owners.  I did say to my buyers that I would be digging up a memorial rose and a bit of lavender but everything else I'd leave.  They were happy with that as they're not gardeners.  Although I have been taking 'bits' of some of my aquilegias and potting them up.  I think they are so pretty and delicate!

I have 6 different and distinct 'varieties' so I hope they all survive.  I don't think they'll be in seed by the end of the month so I'm taking a chance they'll make it to the new garden.  The back bit of my garden is very dense and erm, wild so you can't see where I've dug up wee bits of things like greater knapweed too.  Some people think they're weeds any way.

It was only when I looked at all my pots I realised I've dug up only pink, purple and blue plants!  Maybe my new garden will be just pink, purple and blue flowers 🩷💜🩵

I have a lot of plants in pots especially in the front garden so they'll all be coming with me too!  From what I remember the new garden had no plants.  Just grass (mud) and a huge deck area.

So I'll have some colour for the Summer while I decide how I'm going to design the space 😊

Less than 3 weeks to go now!!


  1. So close.
    Sending loads of smooth house moving vibes in your direction. xx

    1. Thanks! I'm just ready to get on with it now :-) xxx

  2. My removal company's staff are looking after my dwarf Victoria plum tree which is in a huge pot and lived on my patio. It's sitting in their yard until I'm finally through the legal delays.
    Your last three weeks will go fast! xxx

    1. Hopefully your delays will be done soon. I have 2 dwarf apple trees I'm hoping will survive the move! I also have 4 blueberry bushes and tons of plants all in big pots. I'm hoping they won't lose all their blossom or I'll have no fruit from them this year! :-) xxx

  3. i hope all goes well, it's really exciting x

    1. I'm getting quite excited now as I'm making decisions about what to keep or donate! :-) xxx

  4. Hi Ali, I am counting down with you and sending most positive vibes to you for a ‘smoov moov’ 🙂. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. All positive vibes gratefully accepted! :-) xxx

  5. It's nice you are taking some of your old garden with you. The previous owners of the place we are in now dug up loads of plants from this garden and were dishing them out to neighbors and friends, we saw someone collecting a car boot full when we drove past a few days before completion - cheeky wasn't it !
    Alison in Wales x

    1. That was very cheeky!!! I'm only taking bits of plants not the whole plant. Apart from the rose bush already agreed. I'd like to create a new garden on a budget, just as a challenge for myself :-) xxx

  6. Good luck hope the plants survive.

    1. Thanks, I hope so too. A few are looking good already in their new pots :-) xxx

  7. I'm sure they won't be noticed. Your new garden will thank you!

    1. You wouldn't even know I've taken anything, I've just split some of the bigger clumps. I just want to give my new garden a wee start :-) xxx

  8. So close now. I am sure the buyers won't even notice.

    God bless.

    1. They won't notice as I've not been greedy and only taken wee bits. Yep, getting closer! :-) xxx

  9. Well done on taking some of your garden with you.It will give a bit of colour while you work out what you’d like to do with the new garden. Catriona

    1. I'll need to see how Luna reacts to a new space as well. Being confined to the current garden as she's still in season has been challenging as she runs all over it, trampling down flowers and eating them!! :-) xxx

  10. Good for you, I always think it's good to tell your buyers that you are taking a 'few' of your plants when you sell a house, that way any last minute additions are fine. It will be brilliant to be starting your new garden off with a few old favourites.🪻🌷🌻

    1. From what I can remember the garden is just a deck and grass/mud. Fine for Luna to start off with but I can make changes slowly :-) xxx


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