Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Another birthday!!


I am terrible at remembering dates and often mix up days and dates.  When I was teaching I always made a point of double checking I'd made a note of the correct date against the correct day.  Well, true to form I mixed up Luna's birthday πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ TODAY 11th June is her 1st birthday!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚  She doesn't mind!!

She absolutely loves her new garden, mainly as it's all grass atm.  I have plans πŸ˜‰  I'm loving all the daisies and buttercups.  Seeing all the daisies reminded me of Frugal Lizzy Bee on YouTube making daisy balm.  Check it out HERE

So I picked some from the edges of the grass where I know for sure Luna hasn't peed there!  I've previously made salves/balms from my calendula flowers so this is a new one for me.  They're currently drying out on my bedroom window.  I'll keep you posted! 🌼

EDIT:  Another of my favourite knowledgeable YouTube channels on foraging and herbal stuff is Home is Where Our Heart Is.  They also show you how HERE


  1. Oh yes, this is right up my street and these balms are so easy to make aren't they?
    Happy Birthday again Luna x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. So easy to make, you just need time and patience! :-) xxx

  2. She’s a Bonnie girl and happy first birthday to Luna. Catriona

    1. She does attract a lot of comments esp when the sun hits her coat and it's all shimmery silver. She's still a diva though!! :-) xxx

  3. I actually found a recipe for making Lilac salve. I wish I would have found it earlier as now the lilacs have finished blooming. Looking forward to seeing the daisy balm.

    God bless.

    1. Ooo I wonder if it is a lovely pale lilac colour. It has lots of 'anti' good stuff for skin :-) xxx

  4. Oh well I bet she didn't mind celebrating twice.


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