Monday 29 July 2024

Is this a new thing?


Or did I just not know that you can pay your car tax monthly by direct debit? 🚗  It costs £9 extra over the year (or 75p a month) but right now having £180 in my bank account is needed more.  This way I never need to remember to pay it, just like my TV license.  I'm trying to move as many of my expenses over to DD as I can so I can budget each month accordingly.

Luna has 3 days left until she gets the all clear from the vet to resume 'normal' activities.  I got her a surgical suit so I could take off the cone.  It was driving her (and me!!) insane.  She's definitely a bit calmer.  It's a hideous colour/pattern but all I could get in her size 😂


  1. I've been using DD for years for car tax so no, it's not a new thing.
    I doubt if Luna is style conscious, or not enough for her to want the cone back!

    1. It seems to have passed me by then! Just as well she's not style conscious with the clashing peach/pink and orange!! Lol! :-) xxx

  2. It's not a new thing, I'm the opposite I like as many things paid yearly as possible. Although in the case of my car tax it's super easy as mine is free. I just need to remember to renew it every year.

    I've always had my dogs in little doggy t-shirts when they've been spayed, but that was much easier with my little dogs than with Luna so her 'all in one' surgical suit is a great idea.

    1. I normally pay big stuff yearly but I've got too many things coming up and not enough savings to cover them all. It's a very unsettling feeling. I wouldn't say the suit is a good idea immediately post surgery as I think it could rub the wound. But as she's almost fully healed it's a great idea now :-) xxx

  3. We have paid by direct debit for years and it means you don’t have insurance, mot and tax all at once. Catriona

    1. Yep I've got all those in the next month :-) xxx

  4. I used to but it's not worth it when my road tax is so little. I also used to pay insurance in monthly amounts but now I pay the whole lot and put a regular amount aside for the following year. That way, I get the little bit of interest it attracts rather than them. :-)
    Somehow, my three payments come at different times of the year which is useful. xx

    1. That is useful. I think since I changed my insurance details in May when I moved I might have moved the date of renewal too. Must check that out :-) xxx

  5. Jas had one of those suits in a very fetching navy blue after her spay, so much easier than battling with the cone aren't they?
    Alison in Wales x

    1. She's definitely less stressed! :-) xxx

  6. I hate seeing pets with those cones so the suit looks much better despite the colours!
    My car tax is nothing as we caught buying a car just when smaller engines were £0 - it pleases me to renew it every year!

    1. Like you were bought our car at just the right time to get zero car tax, and for a mid size MPV with a 1.6l engine that was a very good deal!

  7. My husband says “I am paid monthly so if possible pay bills monthly” it is worth the extra if it helps with your finances.

  8. If it helps you budget... go for it. I think Luna would much rather clash then have that cone.

    God bless.

    1. It does ease the (lack of) cash flow atm :-) xxx


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