Thursday 4 July 2024

Reality sets in


The first few weeks in a new house are always scary and exciting in equal measure as you get to know it's quirks.  Unfortunately most of this house's quirks need money thrown at them 🙄  And the reality of not having much savings in reserve to deal with them is beginning to sink in.  The integrated fridge freezer was beginning to be very erratic temperature wise and was making loud banging noises 😲 So I made the decision to buy a free standing one that will be more energy efficient and will hopefully last a good few years.  But it wasn't in my plan to spend £300 on an appliance so quickly.

My shed is in place!  It took them 45 mins from start to finish!!  The guy said all the hard work is in the construction in their workshop but I was still impressed.

I've started moving all the DIY and garden stuff in already.  Not shown is the new lawnmower I had to buy as the grass was almost knee high in places!!  I've not needed one for over 20 years!  It lives on the right hand side.  I've bought some shelving for the left hand side to store more stuff.  £121 for the lawnmower, £890 for the shed and £35 for shelving.  It's all adding up 😭

My DIL shared a good £1.50 Lidl veg box with me!  She's really enjoying scoring all the bargains 😂

I got the tomatoes, green peppers, a cucumber, the lemon and the carrot.  She also scored a dozen reduced eggs so I got 6 of those too.

I prepped the peppers and carrot with some red onions and sliced the lemon.  It's all in the new freezer now!  I made a chunky tomato sauce with the tomatoes, some onions and seasoning.  When it's cool I'll freeze it too.  I'm going to have to get used to having much less freezer space 🥶 I think more shelf stable storecupboard supplies are going to be the way forward for me.


  1. A lady I know said replace courgette with cucumber in recipes as they are cheaper.

    1. Ooo, interesting. I must try that some time :-) xxx

    2. I do that too. It's fine. xx

    3. Good to know Joy! :-) xxx

  2. I know how you feel about having to spend money after moving. I moved in February, the fridge freezer packed up in March, I had to have a plumbing repair in April and the vacuum cleaner died in May. Still love my new home though. Sarah.

    1. It's the lack of savings/emergency funds that is beginning to worry me. I did budget for decorating, not replacing appliances or sheds!! :-) xxx

  3. That is a scary amount of money, Ali, to lay out when you have just moved. Hope that’s the last for a while. Catriona

    1. Car tax and Luna's op are at the end of July so not done spending yet!! :-) xxx

  4. Just take a deep breath and things will settle down soon. The worst is probably past.

    1. Still got a few big things coming up but they are planned for :-) xxx

  5. If you are really worried get a job for Christmas I works in M &S and hubby worked for the post office. The weather is usually grotty no responsibility and you don’t have to pu5 the heating on. Moira

    1. I'm not ruling out working again in the future but would need to balance earnings with doggy daycare costs. If Luna is left alone at home for a day I'll have no home left!! :-) xxx

  6. The shed looks very smart. I suppose you won't need such a large freezer now there is only yourself to cater for and you have a very good daughter in law to search out bargains, :-) At least the shed and shelving are ' one offs' x

    1. Yes it's the unexpected one offs that throw me. Most of the big costs I have budgeted for already. I just need to rethink my food shopping habits and adjust to the freezer space I have now :-) xxx

  7. My daughter is having some essential work on the cottage she has just bought - and given it’s age other problems have inevitably been uncovered , and the bills increase - so I have been helping her with this
    Your new fridge freezer looks great and your new shed is superb - money well worth spending - even if it feels a bit of an ouch now
    Siobhan x

    1. Def a big ouch but I'll not need another shed again and my last fridge freezer lasted almost 11 years! Old houses do 'hide' their problems until you start to investigate them :-) xxx

  8. That shed looks brilliant and is obviously going to be well used. Yes, the first few months in any new home are expensive and worrisome, but hopefully things will settle down soon. The veg box is great, it's brilliant that you can share the bargains with your DIL, the training on budgeting has paid off well. :-)

    1. I've trained all my sons and DILs well in the art of bargain hunting!! Lol! I'm looking forward the settling down period! :-) xxx

  9. Moving home is such an up and down time, and always stuff to buy. Good that you now have a reliable freezer and the shed looks great. Your d in law is a clever young woman. Hopefully you'll get a couple of thriftier months soon and you can play catch up.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Here's hoping for a run of thrifty months!! :-) xxx


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