Thursday, 22 August 2024

Trip to IKEA and YouTube commenters!


I had a lovely day with my DIL, my eldest son's wife visiting IKEA in Glasgow.  I had a list and I stuck to it!!  I knew exactly what I wanted to see and what I wanted to buy.  I got a table and chairs for my kitchen.  It's Pinntorp, a gateleg folding table.  It fitted the space I had perfectly!

My DIL helped me build it.  We're both pretty handy with DIY so table and chairs were built in a couple of lazy hours.  It extends easily to seat at least 4 maybe more at a pinch.  I don't do big family dinners any more so I don't need a big table.

Ignore the 'mess' on the left hand side as I quickly moved stuff to set the table up.  But I'm thrilled with it especially as it leaves me room to fit in a second freezer!! πŸŽ‰ I make my last car payment this month so there will be some extra cash in the budget next month!!  I really miss having a big freezer so 2 wee ones will have to do.  More space to store bargains 😊

Thanks for all your lovely comments on my YouTube adventures.  As of tonight I now have 871 subscribers!  And the Β£1.76 video has had an astonishing 11K views!!! On the whole the commenters have been really supportive but I actually laughed and even put a πŸ˜‚ in my reply to the woman who said she hoped my food was rotten.  Someone else commented on my Β£400 mixer (I'm assuming she thought I had a brand new Kitchen Aid and not a knackered 18 yo Kenwood!!)  And someone thought if I can afford to shop in M&S I shouldn't be using the food waste shop.  It's as if they didn't even watch the video!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 


  1. I love Ikea - I went to my first one in the mid-80s when I lived in Germany, and we still pick up bits and pieces now and again. We actually went there for lunch and a browse on our anniversary recently - yes, I'm a cheap date!😊

    1. I hadn't to one for about 10 years mainly as I haven't needed anything. We treated ourselves to cake and coffee while we were there. It was really good value and delicious! :-) xxx

  2. Ignore the haters Ali, small lives and small minds! Really enjoy your blog and what you’re doing :-)
    Laura in France

    1. Thanks! They don't bother me, I just laughed. Anything really nasty will just be deleted :-) xxx

  3. Some people just troll the internet looking for people to put down! Most of my living and dining furniture comes from there, it’s such good value and long lasting.

    1. I have a few Ikea pieces that have lasted me years. I don't understand why trolls like leaving such comments. I'll just delete and block the nasty ones any way :-) xxx

  4. Now that is an awesome table. I love it. Don't worry about the nay sayers on YouTube. They need to get a life so they don't put down others.

    God bless.

    1. I blooming love it, it's perfect for my wee kitchen! Nay sayers don't bother me, I just found them funny! :-) xxx

  5. You might be amused by nay sayers now, but after a year or two it gets a bit waring. You can remove comments you don't like from yootoob, but that won't deter them, they will probably come back. But there is an option to banish them forever. They can comment again, but it won't appear on the channel.

    1. I'm sure it does. And I know some lovely people I follow get really vile comments. Frugal channels do seem to attract the nay sayers. Hopefully I'll be able to block any bad ones before they get the oxygen they want :-) xxx

  6. Your new table is perfect for that space, and room for another freezer too is a good idea. Although I am thinking of stocking up more on cans and dried foods rather than having an over-abundance of frozen stuff after hearing about warnings of lots of power cuts through the Winter.

    Your little corner of YouTube is growing super quick, well done. Fingers crossed for some more subscribers and you will hit that magic 1,000 mark. Maybe a title that is a bit 'Americanised' will garner some more USA viewers, then it will really grow ... that is of course if that's what you want to do.

    1. My channel has grown arms and legs in such a short time. I genuinely haven't thought about what I really want to do with it yet. My wee table has made me so happy esp as I can fit in a freezer. I've been looking at the specs online and many brands say they have a function that keeps all the food frozen in the event of a power cut. Good to know! :-) xxx

  7. Keep going Ali, don't let them drag you down! Well done with all your efforts so far and I hope all the food is delicious!! x

    1. Thanks! So far all the food has been perfectly good! :-) xxx

  8. Sour grapes isn't it when people behave like that, and of course they often hide behind anonymity.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. That's what I thought! I know I was lucky to get an outstanding Lidl box and I said so. I'm not jealous if someone tells me they got lucky getting something they need. I'd just think brilliant for them! :-) xxx

  9. I think all media attracts energy sapping negative people as well as us enthusiastic supportive types πŸ˜πŸ™„. It's why people comment on something they don't know anything about or, as in the case with the M&S comment, haven't watched.
    Whoopee for the last car payment coming. That will feel so great when it's gone.

    1. I'm no Pollyanna but I do try to be positive in my outlook and am grateful for all the lovely things going on in my life. But yeah it was a little disheartening. Re the car, I am so excited for that day! It frees up a nice chunk of money each month to start saving for the bigger things needing done on my wee house :-) xxx

  10. I meant to add I think continuing to show how to get the best from your oven would be great. There's a lot of focus on air fryers now and I'm not sure that everyone appreciates that it can still be cheaper to use your oven if you plan a big batch cook the way you do.

    1. Fab idea! I don't have an air fryer and don't want one. Even Martin Lewis says they're not cheaper than filling your oven :-) xxx

  11. Go Ali!!! You're on a roll. I haven't been to Ikea for a while either, but may need a trip when funds allow. Some of their furniture appears to be an exact fit for an awkward sized recess in my dining room.
    Ignore the trolls, tell them to get back under their bridge or beware of the Billy Goats Gruff!

    1. Lol!!! I think if you go to Ikea you have to be prepared beforehand and go armed with a list. It's very tempting to pick up things that might be 'useful!' Their room sets are just fabulous!! :-) xxx

  12. I know they are. If hubby comes with me, we have to go all the way around, following the "trail" and come out with bucket loads of stuff. He them exclaims at the checkout "How much " because he's just been putting things in the basket. Me, on my own, I just head for what I want in the warehouse bit and home. Saves me a fortune. LOL

    1. It quickly adds up!! I only wandered round the room sets as I hadn't been there for ages and just wanted to see what was available nowadays :-) xxx

  13. You need thick skin with some people as you know on your blog.


I love getting comments but I will delete any spam and rude personal comments without hesitation. Thanks