Tuesday 3 September 2024

Help needed!!!


I've opened Pandora's box with this Youtube nonsense.  I actually couldn't sleep last night and woke up with a dread feeling.  Yesterday's video has had over 13K views in 24 hours.  This tells me that there's both interest in what I'm doing and a need to talk about what happens when you retire and have very little money.

In amongst the comments about how I'm doing it wrong, how I'm paying too much for xyz or that I'm secretly living on my mega savings (def not!!) there were some genuine comments from some people who are surviving on very little money while paying rent.  There were some good discussions lost in the forest of comments.

But I've lost count of how many times people asked the same things over and over especially where it's clear they didn't watch the whole video until the end.  Why am I not getting my state pension?  Why haven't I applied for pension credit? Why am I paying life/pet/house insurance?  What are you going to do if xyz breaks down?  Why aren't you using the rental income from the flat?  At least those people had looked at my other videos!

I put Luna into daycare yesterday so I could get some more unpacking and sorting out done.  Instead I spent the day and evening answering all these questions as politely as I could (an old people pleaser habit!)  I got up this morning and there were a whole load more 😭😭😭

Oh wise ones, what is your opinion on all this?  I've only been doing it for 3 weeks and it's quickly become serious.  All I wanted to do was make wee videos saying here's a Lidl box and look how I've used it to save me money!!


  1. I follow some channels with wide readership. Those folks ignore the repeats, unsolicited advice and critical comments. I think you will soon get used to them. Best wishes, Mary in Maine.

    1. I think I do need to ignore the repeated questions. If I watch something and want to know more I read the comments first or previous videos before directly asking the creator. But then that's just me I guess :-) xxx

  2. Maybe it will find it's own level after a while? More negative comments, or repeaters backing off? Or perhaps it's a case of developing a very thick skin and ignoring unwanted 'noise'. There's got to be something in it for you.......not necessarily financially I realise...... when there isn't, or it causes too much stress, just close it.
    Alison in Wales xx

    1. There's definitely no financial incentive, it's supposed to be fun!! Just sharing ideas and getting inspiration :-) xxx

  3. I don't know. Maybe, if I was you, I would just answer once to repetitive questions ( I mean only one general answer, not directly to every individual quoestions), and ignore completely negative ones? Some people write FAQ, but for a youtube channel? I don't know. I don't use youtube, but I've watched your videos here on the blog. For me they look very "clear" no questions needed - but of course I've read your blog for some time :-)

    1. After the £1.76 food video I tried to be as clear as I could but folk still asked daft questions!! :-) xxx

  4. You could make a video and answer some of the most asked questions.

    1. I did think of making a video short (less than a minute) but that's more work. I think I might just address the questions at the start of the next one. I'm guessing a video on making syrup from strawberry tops isn't going to get as many views though!! LOL!!! :-) xxx

  5. Hi Ali, well, I think you got some good answers here. Perhaps make a pinned video that stays at the top of comments with some FAQ, or just a quick summary of your situation. Commenters will see that first and hopefully read it before they comment!

    1. Sorry, that was me, Patricia! And you have certainly hit a nerve with this channel - I know YouTubers who have been doing it for years and have only a few thousand viewers!

    2. I was thinking of doing an intro/trailer to my channel video then I could just direct folk there, maybe? :-) xxx

  6. Hi Ali
    Yes I think it’s impossible to answer individually but just note the themes maybe. Definitely ignore the negative comments, what you’re doing is really positive so don’t let them put you off!

    1. I have answered every single one because I said I would, even the more negatives. But that's not sustainable on over 300 comments!!! :-) xxx

  7. Congrats on being so popular! You must be doing something right. Never ceases to amaze me that some people think they have the right to ask deeply personal and intrusive questions, or that they can (and do!) tell us exactly what we're doing wrong!! Regarding answering questions, rather than doing it daily, how about having one session a week (or however long) where you provide answers? And just ignore the daft or rude ones. You're doing great, Ali - I wouldn't dream of attempting to do videos! (even if I knew how! haha).

    1. Thanks!! I'm too popular, I was not prepared for this level of interest in what I'm doing! After today I'm going to say I will read all the comments but not reply unless there's a need. You could totally do videos. If I can do it anyone can!!!! :-) xxx

  8. Maybe do one Q&A video a month, asking for questions to be put to you the week before (that you can decide which to answer and which to delete. Then you could put all the Q&A videos on one 'Playlist' and direct people to them if you know an answer to any particular question has already been provided.

    The delete button is there for your use if anyone gets too personal or intrusive, use it and save your sanity. It's your channel, and now it seems you are learning why there are very few nasty or intrusive comments on other peoples YouTube comment sections, they hit the delete button with abandon.

    1. Think a Q&A might be a good idea. So far I've only deleted 1 comment which was a rant about teachers (WTF!) but I've left a few iffy ones and answered them politely :-) xxx

  9. Someone said "nowt so strange as folk!" So true.
    Ignore and /or delete and definitely don't stay awake worrying.

    1. That is soooo true especially on YouTube!!! :-) xxx

  10. Just continue with the videos and try to ignore the less positive comments! easier said than done!

  11. Nothing is worth the cost of your health.. mental or physical.

    1. Totally agree! This is supposed to be fun :-) xxx

  12. You have the patience of a Saint answering the same questions over & over. Bet you wish you had a pound for everytime somebody mentioned the State Pension. You could retire 😉

  13. I haven't had a chance to listen to the latest video. I have a feeling people post their questions and then realize by the time they get to the end it has been answered. You are always going to get comments saying you are doing your frugality wrong. I would ignore them.

    God bless.

    1. I knew I'd get the 'you're doing it wrong' folk but the volume of comments was overwhelming. My own fault for saying I'd answer them all!!! Not any more :-) xxx

  14. Never thought of all the work comments created, will just put a like next time. No need to reply have a good day. 😋❤️

    1. Comments help the channel be visible so please keep commenting. I've created this monster by saying I'll answer them all!!! :-) xxx

  15. Just read through a lot of the comments. My, you have patience. Don't lose sleep over it though. If that gets to be a regular thing, give it up (the videos, not the sleep! 🤣). This is meant to be fun for you. If it gets stressful then it's not working.

    1. Slept like a baby last night!!! Going forward I'm not answering them all. It takes too much time that I could be doing other things :-) xxx

  16. Hi Ali, perhaps you could do what Jane and Mike at Frugal in France do. Say you will read all comments even if you don't answer them all and then only answer the pertinent ones. You can always put a FAQ section in the more section of your youtube header. Kim

    1. Yep that's what I was thinking. A FAQ would stop the constant how old are you and why aren't you getting your state pension!! :-) xxx

  17. Hi Ali, I agree with all the suggestions above. This is not worth losing sleep over. I do comment on videos I've watched ( I watch all yours!) but don't expect a reply. Do delete all the stupid / nasty comments you get. The perpetrators will soon get fed up and bother someone else instead.
    Congratulations on being so popular!

    1. Thanks! I try to comment on all the smaller channel's videos especially now I know how much work goes into making a simple video! I've given myself a pep talk and am going to use the delete button more often! :-) xxx

  18. Hi Ali, I have to admit I've only fairly recently started clicking the like button on You Tube. I didn't really understand how important it is for your channel, I also understand You Tube loves comments, however I rarely comment on YT as I feel there are usually so many what could I add. I think when channels first begin they usually try to answer all the comments and that feels nice, like you've been heard, however as it grows it becomes way too much to do that and what a lot of them seem to do is add a little heart which shows you've been read but no comment required, could that help? I'd definitely remove nasty, negative comments and I do think you need to develop a pretty thick skin to go on camera on YT. When I had a blog it was bad enough at times with negative comments and it affected me so I stopped blogging so I will not tell you to just ignore them cos I know from experience its hard to do that and not take it to heart. I agree with ones before, a quick gathering of some of the more genuine questions for a q&a and tell everyone you will not be responding to all comments going forward and then hope for the best!! I've subscribed and watched but not commented (as far as I can remember!!) Good Luck x

    1. Thanks! Yes I was just happy people were commenting at first but then it got too much. So I did a Q&A video to address the repetitive questions and someone STILL asked old I was and why wasn't I getting my state pension!!! Going forward I'm doing the heart thing on a comment if I've read it and I'm going to start removing the snarky ones. Honestly, I'm just laughing at the more idiotic ones now! :-) xxx

  19. I am really loving your videos and would suggest that you answer the ones you want to, 'like' the nice ones and either ignore or even delete the others, depending on if they are nasty or not. You can't possibly answer them all. xx

    1. yep that's what I'm doing now. Although I've 'engaged' with a few of the snarky ones until they've backed off. LOL!! I'm retired and I've got the time to talk you down ;-) xxx


I love getting comments but I will delete any spam and rude personal comments without hesitation. Thanks