Monday 1 April 2024

March Spending


Oh dear!  I know some of my March spending is related to selling the house but I've spent a lot more than I budgeted for.  But I'm trying not to stress about it.  Once everything has settled I'll be living in a much smaller house with just 1 dog and can get my spending back down again.

So, the March numbers are:

Supermarket spending: £158.95 (includes an extra shop as my middle son is home from Australia)

Dogs: £520.77 (sadly includes Emma's final vet bill and cremation)

Energy: £198.94 (my half of the monthly bill)

Car: £50.49 (petrol)

Other: £1108.63 BUT £816.39 were selling the house costs inc £660 for the Home Report survey

Total monthly spend £2037.78 😱  As I always say this doesn't include my direct debits and is way more than my monthly pension income.  I am covering these costs from the savings I made when I was still working.

Things are happening on the house front but as it's the Easter weekend the lawyer's office is closed until tomorrow (Tuesday) so I hope to have a final update then. Oh and I have a wedding to go to in Inverness on Wednesday!!  Youngest son is getting married.

Please keep everything crossed for me as it looks like everything might just line up if I'm very very lucky!!! 🤞🤞🤞


  1. Fingers crossed for the house sale and safe journey to Inverness for the wedding. Hope the sunshine comes back or you’ll need your big coat. Catriona

    1. Thanks! I'm taking the big coat and boots any way, just in case!! :-) xxx

  2. Keeping everything crossed for you. I'm in the final stages of box filling. Move out day isn't until the 11th, but I don't want last minute frenzy packing! The keys get handed over on the 15th.

    1. Yep, filling boxes for donations and keeping. This downsizing is flipping hard work! Fingers crossed all goes well for you too :-) xxx

  3. Hopefully the first half of this years expenses will mean that your future is much more sorted, and proper frugal living and budgeting will really start. You just have to grit your teeth and get all this out of the way first. Try to think of it as setting yourself up and not panic too much.

    Congratulations to your youngest son, I hope you have a lovely time at the wedding.

    1. I've not been this worried about my finances since 2010 when I had £5 in my purse and no bank account or credit cards. This is the scary time when it can all go to plan perfectly or fall apart! Once I move it 'should' all work out. As for the wedding, I'm not in a wedding frame of mind yet :-) xxx

  4. Fingers, eyes and toes crossed for you. I hope the wedding is wonderful, even if the weather may not be so wonderful!! x

    1. Yep I suspect the weather is to be cold and possibly snowy! :-) xxx

  5. Enjoy the visit with your son from Australia, and have a wonderful day ahead at the wedding.

  6. Definitely keeping everything crossed for you. Have a great time at the wedding.

    God bless.


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