Friday, 28 June 2013


Subject to the usual legal stuff I am thrilled to announce that we accepted an offer on the house this afternoon.  I finally get to move on with my new life.  Once all the costs are worked out and we divide the proceeds 50/50 I should have enough to buy a nice house in a nice area for me and the Teenager.

It's been a long process over 2 and a half years. At times it was very stressful and I thought I'd never make it.  But here I am, proof that there is life after divorce. And it's a pretty great life.  I have a wonderful family and great friends.  But best of all I have an amazing partner.

I am a very lucky girl to get a second chance at love and life.


  1. Here's hoping all goes through in good time. Congrats!

  2. Yeeeeeah! Fingers crossed it all goes to plan with no hiccups! Now, can I interest you in a move to SW Scotland? LOL

  3. Great news! Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly :)

  4. I am keeping absolutely everything crossed for you dear chum!

  5. There's always life after divorce, I'm proof of that. Love, real love that is, is so much sweeter when you find it.

    I hope you find a lovely house for you both and live happily ever after, well we can but try can't we :-)


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