Looking back on last week I've realised that I must do better on the money front. Our forward plans were due in on Friday so every night I was late home from school as I was working on my plans with my stage partner. Tiredness plus lack of planning always leads to bad food choices and I must confess to one extra late night phoning for pizza despite having food in the fridge that I then threw out yesterday as it had gone off. And to add insult to injury I dropped a piece of my GF pizza down my only good work skirt. Despite a quick reaction on my part I haven't been able to remove the big grease stain :-( So £20 for pizza, good food going to waste and the loss of a good work skirt is just not good enough.
So, with my frugal head well and truly back on, I did a quick pop into Lidl and scored some GF cereal and pasta. The flakes cost £1.49. According to mysupermarket.com they can be up £3.52 elsewhere. The spaghetti was £1.29
A late Sainsbury's visit to the autobank on Thursday night (see told you I was disorganised last week!!) resulted in these lovely bargains. 3 punnets of plums, a bag of lemons and a dozen larger Scottish free range eggs. We ate a few plums and the rest are now in the freezer for later use.
I made a few quiches with the eggs for the Teenager. He's now on study leave so these have been sliced and frozen for him to have for lunch.
Last night I whipped up a quick GF and dairy free chocolate cake. Last time I made it I thought it was too big so instead of sandwiching the 2 layers together I sliced and froze one of them. I'll report back on how well it survives. I also substituted coconut milk for the soya milk as I didn't have any. It worked out just as well!
I'm hoping that work will be less frantic now that all our planning is complete. It would be nice to come from work at a sensible time and be able to spend some time on my hobbies. I have lots of fabric (somewhere in the depths of a cupboard!!) so maybe I could make myself a new skirt for work.
I'm also spending some time on meal planning today so hopefully a week of better eating and not wasting food or money!!