Saturday, 29 August 2015


I've re written and deleted most of this post twice as it was a lengthy moan fest.  I'm struggling atm.  Having to work in the place where I've been rejected twice for a permanent job is very difficult especially as I have a challenging class.  A challenging class that I was asked to take as it "wouldn't be fair for a new staff member to take it." My work/life balance is seriously screwed up.

So I'll just mention this one positive thing.  Our HMI report went public this week.  The education dept press release had this little extract:

"In both the primary and nursery classes, children are now making good progress in their learning and the standard of children’s writing and numeracy in P1 and P2 is high. Across the school, the pace of learning and level of challenge have improved which has led to better progress in literacy and numeracy overall."

I was the P2 teacher at the time of inspection.  No other classes were named.  The highest authority in education in Scotland has noted that standards in my class are high.  I'm desperately trying to be happy about it.


  1. Well done on that, Ali :) Sending positive thoughts and love, things will get better x

  2. Read and see the positive, often at work we are somewhere we would rather not be, have a good weekend.

  3. Well done you. Be happy, be proud ...... and don't be afraid of letting others see that you are proud of your achievements.

  4. I feel your pain but you must remain positive and take that report to heart. You sound like a good teacher and if the current school cannot recognise that, perhaps they are the problem. I'm not sure what the current employment situation is for teachers but keep looking and applying for other jobs that come up, could you apply to be a supply teacher in a different school? Another door will open for you, you just can't see it yet. Good luck. (I worked in schools and know what a hotbed of internal politics they are!!) x

  5. Well done, you have achieved much to have that written about you :) I too have worked in school and do understand how you are feeling. Sending hugs, you have done really well xxx

  6. Well done on a great report, fantastic to have your class mentioned. Focus on the positives, not easy when you can't get moving to where you want to be. SOmething will come out of the blue, it usually does and is usually something better x

  7. I wonder if they wanted you to take the "challenging" class because you did so well with your previous class and they couldn't have given it to you if you had more seniority? Just a thought...

    And congrats on the great report - something to tuck away as reference for your other opportunities for sure.


  8. Bloody well done! Teaching is often a thankless career (husband ex-teacher) and I have great respect for all of you. I can understand your feelings of "not feeling happy" about the report - but you deserve a medal for not leaving when you weren't offered the permanent position - that takes immense fortitude and they are so lucky to have you. PS. Hubby now delivery driver for supermarket and the atmosphere in this home has improved beyond words despite there being no money! We are all so much happier. Hope you find peace.

  9. Well done. They must be idiots not to see what a good teacher they have in front of them.

  10. Don't devalue yourself just because that school refuses to see your worth. Keep you chin up, you're doing great and should be really proud of the HMI results. hope you have an amazing day :)


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