Monday, 28 September 2015

Back to square one

After school tonight, I went to visit the wee village school ahead of my interview next week.  In the course of the conversation I had with the very nice woman who showed me round, I discovered what the role involved. It's not for me :-(  I was prepared to travel the daily 20 miles round trip and take a 33% drop in salary but I wouldn't have my own class.  It's an RCCT role, the job description didn't mention this.  Being an RCCT teacher suits some people but not me.  In most schools, permanent teachers take a turn at being the RCCT teacher for a year then go back to being a class teacher with their own class again.  This post is just RCCT forever.

Then when I got home I got an email saying that my other application had been unsuccessful.  So back to square one.  I still have a job until Easter but will keep applying for all permanent posts.  Something will turn up.  I hope.


  1. Sorry to read about this, I'd no idea such posts existed, senior teachers and deputes dealt with that stuff when I was in schools. Things have changed. My friend got out of teaching, took early retirement, because of the very long hours and prep work to do at home. Its difficult for people to understand who don't work in education that although teachers look as though they have a great job, its actually quite a tough job and the hours are longer than most imagine. Keep looking, something is bound to turn up, good luck.

  2. Thanks. I'm hopeful things will work out in the end. It's just frustrating waiting to find out what 'the end' is!

  3. Sorry to read this, fingers crossed something turns up for you Ali x

  4. Tomorrow is another day, and one full of other possibilities. At least you have avoided a potentially difficult choice now. We will be job-hunting from the beginning of December and not even sure where we will be based. I know this should be seen as lot of opportunity but at present I just wish I had a bit more certainty. I too am sure that things will sort themselves out and a challenge seems to bring out the best in me so we should all try to keep positive. (In the meantime, tighten the belts a little more!)

  5. At least you found this out before the pressure of another interview. Fingers crossed that something will turn up for you.

    This is the hardest term of the year, you never know someone somewhere close may resign before Christmas time and open up a vacancy for you.


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