Wednesday 16 March 2022

Quinoa, polenta and tofu


I've been going through my storecupboard with the intention of using up all the stuff that's been lingering in there for ages!!  I'm not a regular eater of quinoa and polenta so I've no idea how long they've been there.  At least I had the foresight to write the date on the quinoa!  Can't remember when or why I bought the polenta.  I don't think I've ever made anything with it so why did I buy it?? 😕

I made some quinoa last night and had it with fried halloumi.  I over salted it (forgetting that you don't drain the water out, you let it absorb) so the whole meal was just too salty.  I woke up this morning with a dry mouth!!  But I'll have it again to use it up, just less salt next time!

If anyone has any suggestions for the polenta, let me know!  The tofu is sadly well out of date!!!  I'm annoyed I've missed that.  Once the quinoa and polenta are used up I won't be buying them again.  With food prices going crazy I'm going to simplify my menu and ingredients.

I made some more bean bags for school.  That's all the cannellini beans used up and some soya beans.  These will be more useful than eating them!!

And my seeds are starting to sprout!  I didn't sow as many as I did last year.  I ended up giving away and composting more than half.  So I'm being more economical this time.  They're a bit leggy but I can transplant them deeper when the time comes.  Only ones that haven't done anything yet are the aubergines/eggplant on the far left.  It was older seed but maybe they take longer to germinate.  It always feels hopeful once seeds start growing 🌱

Speaking of hopeful, I've been offered a phased return to work.  Maybe next week or the week after.  I'm feeling a lot better, the cough has improved although I still cough and wheeze on exertion.  I've formally raised concerns with my union and HR about the pressure to return to work too soon.  And they're both taking it very seriously!!  At a time when we're seeing Covid cases dramatically increasing in Scotland atm I'm glad I'm being acknowledged.  

During my assessment for returning to work I was told that my chest infection probably wasn't from another virus as I thought.  It's more likely to have come from the original Covid virus in January. My  returning to work too quickly has had a direct impact on my illness now.

I'll not be making that mistake again!!


  1. Good job on using up the stock. I am trying to do the same. I love the little beanbags. I see people using them on the Great British Sewing Bee and I love them. I should make some. I am glad you are being careful and standing your ground on returning to work. Hugs. I love reading your blog.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying my ramblings!! I'm being very cautious about returning to work. The phased return seems to be the best solution :-)

  2. If you do a search on
    Cinnamon and polenta shortbread stars you may find a recipe to your liking.
    We often make soft polenta to have instead of mash. One of our favourite meals is Jamie Oliver's Meatballs alla Norma. As we rarely have potatoes in the house we are never without polenta.

    Glad you aren't rushing back to work. A phased return sounds like a sensible idea.

    1. Ooooo they sound yummy and seem easy to make! Might just have a go at these, thanks! Yes, I'm taking a sensible approach to returning :-)

  3. I use polenta on the worktop as I roll out pizza dough. It's much better than flour as it makes the pizza slide off the worktop onto the heated baking sheet or pizza stone far easier than flour does

    1. Ah, I wondered why I'd seen it used in making pizza dough. Still can't remember why I bought it but I'm determined to use it up :-)

  4. I gather polenta is nice sprinkled over roasties before you roast them. They are supposed to impart a nice crunch. I've never tried it though. xx

    1. That rings a bell, I'm sure I've heard a cheffy person say that somewhere. I'll give it a try next time I make roasties! xxx

  5. Your seedlings are coming along nicely. I have never had polenta either and have no idea of how to use it.

    God bless.

    1. I'm sure I've eaten in a restaurant and liked it. But still no idea why I bought it!!

  6. You can use polenta as a coating for frying - think fried green tomatoes - can be used anywhere that requires cornmeal. Make the polenta up, pour into a flat dish, leave until cold then cut it up, fry until golden; serve with veg and a sauce. You can add cheese to it. Serve as an alternative to pasta, served hot after cooking, with a tomato based sauce.

    1. I'll try coating some aubergines before frying them. I like the sound of that! I think I had 'polenta chips' in a restaurant ages ago, maybe that's what I bought it for!


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