Saturday, 25 June 2022

Day 1

 And so it starts! 😊


  1. 50 whole days of not having to get up for school, I can't imagine how hard it is to face day 51!
    Grass is such a pain with how quickly it takes over, still it doesn't look too bad to me. If it was bramble I'd be stressing for you.
    I have to say Snap! Here in Cornwall I've just harvested my first few blackcurrants. I too have two new gooseberry bushes, 1 green, 1 red. Just a few gooseberries on each, hopefully more next year.
    Looking forward to seeing your progress.

    1. Usually by day 51 I'm ready to go back to work. I do love my job but when I stop loving it I'll know it's time to retire. Luckily it's mostly just grass I'm dealing with. Unluckily, it's grass that seems to trigger my hayfever!!!

  2. I enjoyed the tour of your allotment and pace yourself getting it back to productivity. You still sound a tiny bit breathless-I have noticed my daughter is the same after Covid in March. Catriona

    1. Yep, the breathlessness and cough are still with me. I'm being very sensible and pacing myself. I'm planning on doing a little bit at a time but often to get the weeds cleared :-)

  3. Small bites and you will get there. A horrible lot of grass seeds to aggravate the hay fever - mask and goggles?

  4. I enjoyed the tour. Allotments are quite large, I had thought them much smaller for some reason.

    Enjoy your holiday.

    God bless.

    1. Mine is technically a half plot but it's a 'large' half plot. I did have the chance to take on a full plot but I chose this one as I thought it would be more manageable on my own.

  5. Looks like a lovely space. Good luck with the weeding, once you get started I am sure progress will be swift.

    1. It's in a lovely spot. I can see the Wallace Monument on one side and Stirling Castle on the other. I call it my happy place :-)

  6. Hi there. Thought I'd come and say hello after you'd posted on my blog. You have my sympathies with all the grass (Yorkshire Fog? Have MASSES of it here too). I cannot garden in June due to the pollen (which was especially bad this year too!) so my Bank plantings are fast disappearing and the paddocks are overwhelmed. So am I!! Looking forward to Day 50 as I am sure it will be pristine long before then. . .

    1. Hi thanks for visiting!! I was happy to find your blog again after a good few years. I remember you from waaay back on the CL forum days (I'm allybea) It's def going to take the 50 days to get it pristine again!! :-)


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