Monday, 26 September 2022

End of the growing season


I made a very quick plot update video yesterday.  Oh my goodness, it's such an overgrown mess of weeds but I'm trying not to beat myself up about it.  I've been putting in the new raised beds so there's a lot of unseen stuff I guess only I know about.  I didn't show the cabbages under the netted bed (they're growing well) and you can see my leeks are well established although they are showing some signs of rust 😡  The climbing rose is a David Austin one (Gertrude Jekyll) I bought ages ago with a hefty discount code.

These 2 beds will be asparagus and strawberries.  The one on the right is in the video before I filled it with the spent compost from the peppers, a bucket of free compost from the tip, a leftover bag of potting compost and a bag of top soil my Lovely Mum gave me.

Here is my apple harvest this year!! 😂😂  The red one is James Grieve from my garden and the other is an unknown variety from the tree on my plot.  Both are the size of a golf ball!!!  They came off in my hand, I didn't need to pull them.  The James Grieve is an eating apple (similar taste to a Cox) which is good to grow in my colder climate.  I think the unknown one is also an eating variety.  It wasn't quite ready but still didn't taste sour which makes me think it's for eating and not a crab apple as I suspected.

My growing season is coming to an end.  There's not much left to harvest now.  Hopefully the cabbages and leeks will survive the Winter.  I haven't planted anything else for Winter, poor planning on my part.  So I'm just tidying up the plot and garden now.  We have a 2 week October break soon so I want them both done by then.  I didn't get the chance last year thanks to the first chest infection and it really impacted on the start of my season this year.  So far I'm managing to stay healthy so that's the plan! 🤞


  1. We haven't picked our apples yet, but I think the Coddling moths got to them, so I'm in no great rush to slice into one. I think we have about 10 or so, better than the three of last year. We went out and bought some grease bands yesterday to sort the tree out ready for next year. While we were at the garden centre, we walked the dogs around their little paddock and Alan scrumped 5 apples for me. :-)

    1. I'm watering and feeding and pruning the old tree at the plot to get it producing again. It hadn't even blossomed for years apparently so I think it's waking up again. It did have more apples but only 1 survived until now!

  2. I think you have done well between your health and the dry summer. All looks good to me! Not long now til your October break! Catriona

  3. I hope to get out and pick the tomatoes tomorrow and call it done. There are a couple of small eggplants and bell peppers, but I don't think they will amount to much.

    God bless.

    1. Sounds like you have the makings of a lovely tomato sauce!


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