Sunday, 18 September 2022

Plot, preserves and yellow stickers (not mine!)

I popped down to the plot this morning and spent 4 hours digging out the last of the raspberries and the overgrown grass.  Not a great before and after picture but the top one shows the old strawberry/potato patch after I started clearing it.  Then I added 3 of the cheap B&Q raised beds.  Today I cleared the last bit with the overgrown canes.  There's room for 3 more beds.

A closer look at the top end (I took out the random post too!)

I read an article that showed you how to fill a new raised bed without buying tons of soil/compost.  Layer the bottom with cardboard.  Add a layer of dead twigs/branches chopped up (I did some of that today.)  Then add some partially broken down compost (got a ton of that on the plot!!) and finally put some compost/soil on top.  I can get the free compost from the tip!  So hopefully I can fill my raised beds without spending any money! 🤞

I cooked the beetroot from Lidl, grated it (oh my, that was messy!) and packed it into 2 very large pickling jars with hot spiced vinegar.  It tastes amazing already so I can't wait for it to properly pickle!

I also dehydrated some apples my Lovely Mum gave me from her garden.

I currently have a load of calendula in the dehydrator.  They'll be used to make some lip or skin balms.

My friend at school sent me this pic in the late afternoon.  She'd been to M&S to get her usual yellow stickers for the week ahead.  She was delighted with a bumper haul today.  My eldest son said Tesco also had a ton of reduced stuff. I guess with supermarkets being closed tomorrow they have a lot of stock to shift.   I was tempted to visit both places but I don't need anything.  It's not a saving if I don't need it!!


  1. I we t round to our Sainbugs local this afternoon to get milk and they had lots of yellow stickers but also hardly any bread, rolls etc as there had been a run on those. Catriona

    1. Why do people go crazy when shops are shut for 1 day?? Crazy!

  2. US supermarkets rarely have yellow sticker goods, although I have occasionally found half price meat packs. I do wonder just what happens to short dated food? Hopefully not straight in the trash?

    1. Oh I hope not! Maybe they have a system to distribute it to communities that can use it up

    2. I follow a few Dumpster Divers on YouTube and a LOT of food just gets thrown into the dumpsters, even in date and absolutely perfect foods that they just don't have the room for on the shelves. It's ridiculous, luckily quite a few of those that I follow take the best of their finds and fill up 'blessing boxes' (like a neighbourhood pantry) or donate to the homeless shelters.

    3. That's good to know! I hate wasting good food when there's a real need for it

  3. Your raised beds look great, they should really help with planning your next round of planting. I have been putting layers of my clippings and trimmings into the planter sections that I haven't filled with right up with compost yet, sort of alternating. In effect they are going to be like a living compost bin over the Winter ... but with a layer of Spring Onion seeds sown on top.

    That yellow sticker haul is AMAZING, well done your friend!

    1. I'm hoping the beds will be easier for me to keep on top of even if I have a spell of ill health again. It's funny how I have some friends/colleagues who love a yellow sticker bargain and some who wouldn't dream of touching them!!

  4. Wow - that dehydrator looks interesting, I've just started making soap and calendula petals feature quite often in natural soap recipes.
    So agree with your comment about it not being a saving if you don't need it! I often have to resist special offers they can work out a false economy.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's a very basic digital dehydrator but does the job. Once the petals are dry I put them in oil to infuse. I would love to make soap, it's on my list for retirement :-)


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