Monday 18 September 2023

Stressful week


Eurgh!!  It's been a stressful week.  Luna is still testing positive for giardia so she's had another course of treatment.  She's 'clinically well' so was able to get her vaccinations and is allowed out on restricted walks from tomorrow.  She's 14 weeks old now and frankly stir crazy, as am I!!  She still has to be kept separate from Emma in case they reinfect each other so poor Emma is rather stressed too.  And both my son and I have had a serious D&V bug (giardia possibly so we're getting tested too!!)  So yeah, it's not been fun round here.  Fingers crossed we're getting to the end now.

I managed a quick pop down to the allotment to find a rugby ball from the club next door has smashed a window.  New perspex has been ordered but I need to see if they'll reimburse me for it.  I know it was a rugby ball as I have it in my shed as evidence!!!

I harvested the last of the cucumbers in the polytunnel.

And made bread and butter pickles! 😋

The last of the Roma tomatoes ripened so I made tomato and onion sauce for the freezer.

The 1.5kg bags of organic flour were on offer in Waitrose at the same price as Tesco's 1kg bags so I got 2 for the storecupboard.

I made another sourdough loaf, they're improving!

I bought a 600ml carton of double cream and made butter.  Not on offer but still cheaper at £2.30 than a 250g block of butter plus I got buttermilk to make scones.

And someone has learned how to jump up on the chair in my craft room!  I'm at the stage where I don't care how and where she sleeps (I know I'm making a rod for my own back!!) as long as she sleeps because an over tired cranky puppy is a nightmare!


  1. Sorry to hear you're going through it all, sometimes it seems like one step forwards & two steps back - we'll it does in my life anyway! Our pup's 5 months now and although he's over the constant biting, he does still bite - usually me- and it hurts! He has time out behind a baby gate, but sometimes it's just too much. He's nipped my back this morning, no reason, he just felt like it!!

    1. Yes!! I'm getting bitten constantly. My hands and my arms are covered in scratches and my clothes are ripped. It's not a teething/mouthing type of biting and it hurts a lot!!! I've now got 3 baby/dog gates to keep the 2 dogs apart and to give her space to calm down at times. Good to know it's not just me!

  2. Your fantastic looking sourdough and delicious looking butter would seem to be just the tonic for dealing with stress, preferably with a good cup of tea and home made jam.

    1. I'm really chuffed with the bread! I'll be an expert in about 3 years at this rate!!!!

  3. Sorry to hear that you and your son have been unwell. Hopefully Luna will soon be able to get out properly to run off her toddler energy. Catriona

  4. Oh gosh, you have really been through it since you got Luna haven't you, I really hope things start to settle down for you soon. That rugby ball must have been the final straw!!

    1. Yep it's not been plain sailing that's for sure!! I'm tempted to keep the rugby ball!!!!

  5. Oh, dear, what a lot of difficulties. You feeling ill too just caps it all.
    The bread looks amazing though! xx

    1. We're almost through the worst of it all now, thank goodness. Bread was really good! xxx

  6. Late to this but just had to comment - it's bringing back memories of when our girl was a baby crocodile!!! This too shall pass, but it's pretty full on that the time and I remember that it reduced me to tears more than once
    That sourdough is amazing, I've never managed to get to grips with sourdough completely, do you have a top tip?
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Oh yes there's been tearful moments and me thinking what on earth have I done?! My best tip for the sourdough is to watch Lisa at Farmhouse on Boone on YouTube. She really is an expert! She has a sourdough playlist and makes loads of other things not just bread. I use her sourdough pancake recipe a lot!!

    2. TQ - I'll take a look x
      Alison in Wales x


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