Tuesday 19 September 2023



Finally, Luna was allowed to go out for a walk!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!  She was a bit overwhelmed with all the noises and her wee back legs were shaking.  But it was just 10 mins and this is her 10 mins after we got back home!! 😂  She can have a 15 mins walk 3 times a day.  Rule of thumb is 5 mins for each month of her age.  She's 14 weeks now and absolutely ready to be out in the big wide world!

I had about half of the sourdough loaf left and some eggs that needed using up.

So I made French toast/eggy bread!

Out of curiousity after Sue (A Smaller and Simpler Life) posted about Heinz baked beans on her blog, I weighed mine when I opened a can yesterday.  Mine were also short of the 415g weight.  When you think of how many cans Heinz sell that's a lot of underselling going on!!  Check yours next time!!!!


  1. I weighed the contents of a tin of Branston Baked Beans …they weighed 18g less than was stated on the label….so not just Heinz short changing! Enjoy your puppy walking. Wendy.

  2. How lovely that Luna can now have her short puppy walks.
    Hope you enjoyed that lovely eggy bread
    Alison in Wales x

  3. Wee scone - happy to see she's able to get out and about at last; long legs for a wee puppy.

  4. Oh gosh, what a huge relief that must have been for you. Now that she is able to go out for these short walks it should be so much easier at home, a tired pup is a good pup. :-)

    I think I have got so many people weighing their beans after that blog post ... and from the emails and comments that I have been getting weighing so many other things too. We are being short-changed in so many ways.

    1. Oh she's brilliantly tired out at last!! Makes you wonder what else doesn't weigh what it says on the packaging!

  5. Sorry to read from your last post that you had such an awful week. Hope you and your son have completely recovered. Short walks for Luna should get rid of some puppy energy (hopefully) She looks so cute asleep.

    1. Very cute when asleep!! Can't sit still long enough for a photo when she's awake though!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank goodness!! Shame it's been chucking down most of the day!

  7. That's good. She will soon gain in strength. So glad she's allowed out now. I used to get annoyed with packs of butter that certainly weren't a full 250g. Not great when you are using it in baking. xx

    1. Even allowing for a few grams that stick to the packet or tin, it's just daylight robbery if they're doing on thousands of products!

  8. Oh, poor baby, he looks exhausted. Time for you to put your feet up.

  9. Email or call the company’s to let them know. They’ll probably ask for a number on the can. Or, better yet, call your local news station. This could be a huge story! I called about 2 oz. less cheese. The store sent me a 10.00 coupon.

    1. I'm going to carefully monitor weights for the next wee while and then email the companies. I suspect they send out coupons to keep us quiet!!


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