Thanks for all the lovely comments on my last post 😊 I am really happy and feeling very loved and appreciated in many areas of my life just now. Even today's news that all Scottish children from Nursery to P3 are going back to school on the 22nd hasn't dampened my mood. I teach P3 (6 and 7yos). We'd more or less planned for that to happen. It's definitely the best thing for the kids but there are still some concerns about the safety of staff working in schools. I have my home testing kit now but still need to wait for the vaccine go ahead. As I'm over 50 I'll get it sooner than many of my colleagues. Hopefully by the end of April.

I'm now on half term holiday so my thoughts are turning to planning my garden and allotment. It's all looking a bit soggy and sorry thanks to that snow last week! But I know it will recover quickly. These are the new vegetable seeds I ordered (I have some flowers too) to add to my leftover and saved seeds from last year. A few favourites and a few new ones to try. My fruit bushes all seem to have survived the Winter so hopefully they'll keep on producing this year. I should have lots of lovely produce to preserve in some way.

I also have some seed potatoes, they're already chitting! Casablanca (extra earlies), Charlotte (second earlies) and Cara (late maincrop). I was successful last year with Cara on the plot but not tried the other two. Even though I ordered them at the start of January I couldn't get my favourite early potato Epicure. They'd already sold out. And I've heard of a lot of the smaller seed companies can't cope with the demand for seeds and their websites have been crashing!
At the end of my last post I said I hadn't really thought about my plans/goals for this year. After I posted it I realised the 3 things that I mentioned actually made perfect goals. So I've posted them on the right! Short, simple and achievable 😊