Saturday 25 November 2023

Walking disaster!


I'm a walking disaster!  I fell yesterday while walking Luna.  One minute we're walking along a lane and the next I'm face planted on the ground.  I went to our local minor injuries unit (just 5 mins from me) and got it x rayed.   Coincidentally my youngest son was working there but he's not allowed to x ray family members.  However he did stand behind the glass screen laughing and shaking his head at me!!! 🙄

The x ray wasn't clear enough but a suspected fractured scaphoid was the diagnosis.  It's bloody sore!!  I've to wear a splint and sling for at least 2 weeks then get it re checked.

I don't honestly know if Luna tripped me up or I just fell over my own feet.  I've also got 2 very skint knees  and ache all over so I'm feeling rather sorry for myself this morning!


  1. I can confirm that it's so easily done! I've been pulled over twice this week on the same dog walk! Thankfully not hurt though. I feel for you & hope you start to feel better soon. My pup's real problem is fixating on dogs & pulling very badly - he's nearly 6st so is very strong. At my wits end!!

    1. Luckily Luna isn't too big/heavy yet but I know exactly what you mean! She's so excited and distracted by everything when we're out she pulls really hard!

  2. So sorry for your accident, what a nuisance. Hope that you feel better soon and that the arm heals well.

    1. It's really inconvenient as I'm the only driver in the house. Fingers crossed it heals quickly!

  3. Comes a time when we realise that we are not as robust as we think, take it easy and rest up a while, jobs will wait for you. For now enjoy the company of your dogs, drink coffee/tea, read but most of all breathe and relax😘. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I'm always mindful that I'm getting older when I'm out especially in wet/icy weather. Just one of those things I guess

  4. Replying to Mrs LH’s comment - try a Dogmatic head collar - great at controlling our bouncy, pulling Labradors. Best one we’ve used - available online if you search. I don’t have links to company just always recommend them.

    1. Thanks, will look that up - he's an 8mth old show type lab - big, soft, bouncy & strong!!

    2. Good tip! I've used Halti on previous Labs but will look them up too

  5. Hope it heals quickly.I hope you are right handed.

  6. Oh no, that's a real nuisance.
    You have been so unlucky with things since retiring - hope this is the last

    1. Definitely a few things have happened that have made retirement challenging these past few months!!

    2. Get well soon, thank goodness you do not need to prepare any lessons for a class of children. So take care. Best wishes

    3. Thanks! So glad I don't need to think about work any more

  7. i'm sorry to hear this, i hope your luck soon changes for the better x

    1. Our family does seem to be having a run of 'stuff' recently. It will pass soon

  8. Let me join your club. I have broken the same wrist twice and now Harvey always tells me to take my phone with me when walking. Especially during the winter when things are icy.

    God bless.

    1. Ouch, twice must be so sore!! Funnily enough I don't take my phone when I'm out but I will from now on!!!!

  9. Hugs and quick healing wishes for you. Definitely something that would happen to me.

    1. So easily done despite me trying to be careful and teach her to walk to heel

  10. Hope the pain has eased by now broke mine a few years ago hubby tripped and as I was in front he pushed me and I fell. We were leaving for a cruise and a trip to China in a few days later. Had a great cruise and China trip walked on the Great Wall everyone was so helpful taking my good arm to help me at the top of the stairs and pulling me up a slippy part of the wall. Take the pain killers and have a rest as it gives your body a shock, get well soon.

    1. So glad you didn't miss your fabulous trip! The rest of my body is very sore which is making sleep hard. Wrist isn't too bad although it feels very weak

  11. Oh, no. What a rotten thing to happen. Sending quick healing vibes and rest up as much as you can. xx

    1. Thanks! Got no option except rest it so fingers crossed it heals quickly xxx

  12. What a shame that you have hurt your hand. Sending healing vibes. Catriona

    1. Thanks, it's slowed me down a bit but I can still do some things one handed!

  13. Ouch - hope you heal soon. I too have a young 'pully' lab, have tried everything but have had some success with a simple figure of 8 lead, I'll look up the one mentioned above for interest .......
    I just know it's only a matter of time until I go flying, I'm 5ft, size 12 and our girl is SO strong!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's her impulsiveness that's the problem. She can be walking nicely one minute and then randomly diving at a stick/leaf/stone!!


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