Sunday 7 July 2024

Orange and blue


Here are the almost finished bookends.  I think they need another coat of wax.  The Harry Potter figures are temporarily fixed to the holes but you get the effect.  Pre painted cast iron bed thingies HERE.  The bookends are to hold my HP books which will sit on top of the blue and orange bookcase beside a painting of a niffler.  In case you didn't know, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan!!! 🪄

The bookcase is painted and varnished.  I had the bright idea 😱 to paint the wall behind it before I moved it back into place and put all the books back.  Yeah, that's a much bigger job than I thought!!  It's going to take several coats of paint to get rid of that brown/mocha/coffee colour!  You can see the painting where I got the orange and blue inspiration.

I'm trying to do some 'nice' crafty things in between the hard graft bits so I don't get too scunnered by doing it all on my own.  


  1. Looking great Ali. My daughter is a huge HP fan and finally made it to Warner Studios in Watford last week. It had been cancelled twice due to Covid although she has been to the one in the States a few years ago. Great idea to paint the wall first-we have a huge dresser in our dining room which has not been painted behind for at least 10 years! Catriona

    1. I'd love to go to Warner Studios some time. I just thought it would save me emptying and re doing the books again in the near future. But my living room is once again piled up with books! :-) xxx

  2. Good idea to paint behind the bookshelf before installing. Our lounge is a mocha colour. I still like it, it is a sunny room so it changes colours as the weather changes, if you get my meaning!

    1. The wall colour is ok, it's just been badly painted and has a lot of damaged areas. I think the previous colours were red and blue as I can see bits that haven't been painted over!! :-) xxx

  3. Moving into a new home and having to redecorate everywhere before you can properly get settled is a huge amount of work, isn't it - especially on your own! Good idea to take a break with something nice in between.

    1. It can feel quite overwhelming if I think about it! :-) xxx

  4. Looking good.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks! I had the idea and then it worked out!! :-) xxx

  5. No, I did not know that you are a huge Harry Potter fan, the little HP people look brilliant on the bookends.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I'm a Harry Potter nerd!! Lol! :-) xxx

  6. I don't know why I never thought of orange and blue together before. It looks lovely.

    1. Thanks! Once the books are back in it won't be so in your face!! :-) xxx

  7. I love those colours together it looks great. I too love Harry Potter and would love to visit Warner Studios - maybe one day! Don't you find everything takes twice as long as you think it will! Have fun, and at least you don't have brilliant summer weather to distract you!!

    1. Everything is taking 10 times as long with a whiny moaning pup!! She's very clingy so I don't get much done. She cannot play by herself at all, always wanting me to entertain her. Another month then she'll have had her op and can go back to day care. Weather is spectacularly awful although the pollen count is very high and making my hayfever very annoying!! :-) xxx

  8. It's going to be lovely when it's all done. xx


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