Thursday 11 July 2024

Rhubarb and custard


I had some rhubarb in the freezer from the allotment.  I had picked some on one of the few visits I made this year.  I couldn't decide if I wanted to make jam or chutney so chucked it in the freezer.  Today I thought some stewed rhubarb and custard would be nice.

I knew I had an unopened tin of Birds custard powder lurking in the storecupboard but didn't realise it was a little out of date!!  No worries, I'll be using it any way.  So I made some custard and it's currently cooling.  I'll make a sort of rhubarb/custard fool dessert 😋 Just out of interest I googled 'uses for custard powder' and found these ideas HERE.  I'm definitely going to try the biscuits/cookies!

As I'm a bit limited in what I can safely do with Luna around, I decided to move my bedroom furniture around to create more space.  I moved my bed to the wall that backs on to the semi next door.  

As I was lying in bed the falling off wallpaper was really annoying me.  So I started pulling it off.  It came off in strips and I had stripped the room in 5 minutes!!

I had my bed against this wall facing the window from day 1 but it made the room feel smaller.

The walls under the blue wallpaper had previously been painted cream.  I remembered that I had 3 rolls of Laura Ashley wallpaper with a pink and cream design.  I've had it at least 14 years!!!  I'm going to use it behind the bed as the feature wall and paint the rest cream.  Zero cost as I already have a ton of magnolia paint leftover from decorating the flat.  I'll swap the purple headboard for the leather one I had in my previous bedroom and use the matching chests of drawers.  The cream chests of drawers will get donated and I'll have more space to move around the room!


  1. I love custard and have a tendency to use the powder in baking so TQ for the link. How lovely that you are going to be able to use wallpaper and paint that you have already.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. There are some fab ideas in the link! I deliberately bought the huge 10 litre tubs of paint in white and magnolia knowing I'd use it somewhere in the future ie now! And honestly totally forgot about that wallpaper until we emptied the eaves in the old house!! :-) xxx

  2. Handy about the wallpaper coming off so easily and having just what you need to re-do it. I remember trying umpteen ways to take a border off a room we had done and it coming off in finger-nail sized bits - took forever.

    1. The wallpaper in the hall and stairs is coming off in teeny tiny bits! It was helpfully already started by the previous owners' children in a really obvious bit that I can't disguise. So the whole lot will have to come off and I'll start again :-) xxx

  3. Lovely wallpaper and your room will be such a calm light room when you are finished. My Mum always made melting moments with custard powder in them which made them rather yellow but delicious! Catriona

    1. Thanks! It feels calmer already with the wonky wallpaper removed!! I don't know why I've never thought about using custard powder in baking before now :-) xxx

  4. Am loving your intended bedroom decor especially as you have used what you already have, it will save a shedload of money for you. Keep on frugaliing!! Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Thanks! I'm trying to use/reuse stuff I already have to save money. DIY stuff is so expensive now. I got a tin of Dulux white satinwood last week and it cost £30!!! I couldn't believe it. But it will (hopefully) do all the internal woodwork in the house :-) xxx

  5. A brand new decorated room for no cost whatsoever. How perfect.

    God bless.

    1. It feels like it was meant to be! :-) xxx

  6. Love rhubarb and custard! Stewed apples and custard too.
    The wallpaper is great and will look super in your bedroom.

    1. Thanks! I can't remember how much it was, it was so long ago. I should probably go have a look to see if it's still available :-) xxx

  7. It's SO satisfying when wallpaper comes off like that isn't it. It sounds like a really good plan for the room and the bonus of no cost to you is brilliant. You could try selling the drawers on FB Marketplace first, even if you only got £10 or so it would be money towards something else that needs doing.

    I have heard the tip of using custard powder in other recipes before but never tried it, I should give it a go as I have had a tub in my cupboard for ages, and I would much rather have biscuits than custard. :-)

    1. It really was satisfying! Sadly all the other wallpaper will take a lot of effort!! The chest of drawers are so old, at least 20 years plus as they weren't even new to me back then.
      Yep, I'd rather have biscuits too!! :-) xxx

  8. Rhubarb and custard is yum and I love that wallpaper. xx


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