Friday 19 July 2024

Standing still


It feels like life is at a bit of a standstill until Luna has her op (10 more days!) and can go back to daycare.  As she is so demanding I've stopped all attempts at decorating.  She has so much energy and is the kind of dog the more exercise she has, the more excited she gets!  Last night she had the zoomies, threw herself off the deck at speed and face planted onto the slabs 🙄 It would have been funny if there hadn't been blood!  She's fine but she's got a wee skint chin. And was feeling sorry for herself!

The weather has been very weird here.  It's warm and humid with lots of rain.  I haven't seen a blue sky for ages, it's always cloudy.  My pots are doing ok but this is the first rose to come out.  It's a bit small but it's so pretty!

There's not even a hint of colour on the blueberry bushes and there aren't many berries at all this year.  I picked the first berries on this day last year! HERE.  Other than cutting the grass and keeping on top of the weeds, I've not done much actual gardening.  Especially as the pollen count is very high and my hayfever is really bad.

In the last few weeks, I've discovered a wee bit more about the previous owners.  They haven't redirected their mail 👀  Anything with their actual names on it I've put back in the post with 'not known at this address' on it.  But I've opened the other ones to find out they didn't have a TV license and were being threatened with a final demand before court proceedings.  They had a TV in every room and there's a huge Sky dish on the front of the house.  So they def watched TV!!  There was also an unpaid parking fines letter that said bailiffs would be visiting if they didn't get in touch.  I've had this before in a previous house so I know I just need to show them ID to prove it's not me.  So I'm not worried about it.

I've met a few of my new neighbours and they've all made comments about the state of the house and how I'm getting on with it.  It seems the previous owners were the talk of the street!! 


  1. Oops all round Ali, good that Luna only got a minor scrape. Interesting about the ex-owners and the state of the house but your magic will transform it to splendour!! Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. She's an absolute idiot!! Yep it's very interesting finding out about the previous owners :-) xxx

  2. Glad that the neighbours are pleased that you are improving the house and garden. The weather is dreadful-we are trying to move furniture away from the windows for our new double glazing next week but we keep having to stop for a rest! Catriona

    1. The weather is very unpleasant just now. Humidity is rarely an issue here and the pollen levels are sky high! Being outside is awful so I'm just pottering about inside :-) xxx

  3. Poor Luna! She certainly keeps you on your toes!

    1. She really is a livewire!! Chin and wee bit on her lip are healing nicely :-) xxx

  4. Poor Luna. Hope her chin is better soon. How nice that you are getting to know your neighbours.

    God bless.

    1. They all seem nice so far and have been friendly to Luna too :-) xxx

  5. I have to confess that the more I read about Luna, although she's beautiful, the more glad I am that we don't want pets. I can't imagine being restricted so much, nor the expense. Hopefully once she's had her op she might quieten down a bit. 🤞

    1. Lol!! She's a handful for sure but I wouldn't be without her. She's company for me as I now live alone. She's my reason for getting out the house every day hail, rain or shine. And folk talk to you when you've got a beautiful dog! Once she can go back to daycare she can use up her excess energy. Not long now :-) xxx

  6. Aww poor Luna, but the zoomies with a large young dog must be crazy to watch, Suky got them regularly when she was younger but obviously she was much smaller.

    It's good that you are finding out more about the previous occupants of your house, gosh the neighbours must be relieved that you and Luna have moved in now. That rose is beautiful, it looks like velvet and what a gorgeous colour.

    1. When she's in a zoomies mood she has no concept of how fast/how high/how far she can jump. She's like a gazelle!!! There's a second rose opened up now and they smell lovely too :-) xxx


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