Saturday 3 August 2024

Comments in spam


I don't know why I checked my spam folder but I did.  And I found loads of your unpublished comments in there.  So apologies especially to Sue, Joy, Jackie and Sue in Suffolk as I found loads written by you.  Plus a few others.  I have no idea why!!  I even found some of my own comments.  How is that even possible??????

I've gone back as far as December last year and published them all.  I read all my comments and try to reply to them all.  I don't always go back to historic posts and answer them so apologies if you've left a comment on an old post and I haven't replied.

I'll check my spam folder more often from now on.  Blogger has a mind of it's own at times! 🙄


  1. This is a common complaint. I find it happens when I know I have made a comment and it doesn’t appear. I also can’t comment on a number of blogs I have followed for years. Catriona

    1. I don't think I've been too badly affected compared to some blogs but still annoying! :-) xxx

  2. Yes, sometimes putting comments on favourite blogs can be a bit hit and miss 😀
    I read a fair few blogs but admit to only commenting when I know there's a reasonable chance of a reply - at least some of the time - it's nice when it's a two way street but I can imagine it must be quite time consuming for the blog writers!
    Thanks for all your replies Ali
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I love the conversations in the comments with like minded folks! :-) xxx

  3. The blogger comment thing is odd. Sometimes comments appear on the blog and then go into spam a few days later. A Mystery but as Deborah said on my blog - It's Free!

    1. Yep being free is the big attraction. And it's easy to use so we put up with the foibles! :-) xxx

  4. I've got one commenter whose comments always go in spam. She comments on almost every post so I know I have to check.

    1. I'll be checking more regularly from now on! :-) xxx

  5. There's no rhyme nor reason to it, is there? I now try to remember to check first thing every morning, just to be sure. As Sue said, sometimes they appear, I reply and then either one, t'other or both appear in Spam a few days later.
    On the plus side, it seems to catch more spam than before so that's good. xx

    1. I found this comment in my spam folder!! That's true, it does seem to catch more spam but I'd be interested to know how it defines a spam comment! :-) xxx

  6. I check my Spam folder every day before I write a new post and have done for the last couple of years, which is how long this mysterious phenomena has lasted. And yes, I find my own answers to comments from old posts pop up in there frequently, alongside comments that I know were definitely published on the day they were written by my readers.

    Blogger is a law unto itself, and only gets away with it as it is a free platform.

    1. It was my own comments in spam that made made me think WTF!!! Just as well it's free or it wouldn't be as popular methinks! :-) xxx


I love getting comments but I will delete any spam and rude personal comments without hesitation. Thanks