Saturday 10 August 2024

More playing around with colours!


I finally cleared and tidied my sideboard.  It's been a dumping area for 'stuff' since I moved in. It's old and been in the family (my Welsh side) for many years but isn't valuable at all.  In my old house I didn't have the top bit on it.  There was actually a middle piece too with shelves and a mirror but it was really badly damaged.  I didn't know if it would fit in my wee living room but brought it with me just in case.  I've toyed with painting it many times as it's very battered and scratched.  But now I love it just as it is and it holds it's own amongst all the colour!  However, it was proving difficult to find artwork to go above it.

After many different combinations of pictures, mirrors and lamps ( I kept sending photos to my DIL for her input!) I finally settled on the above.  I moved the painting from above the radiator (got a different plan for that wall now although the radiator will still be colourful!) and it all fell into place.  The lamps had different shades so I changed them to 2 orange ones (more stuff I brought with me 'just in case')  All 3 prints are by the same artist Gerry Baptist.  I just love his use of bright bold colours.  They came with the showhouse we (ex husband and I) bought in 2003 so they've moved with me in 3 house moves now.  The one on the left is called Olive Grove Orange and the middle one is called Le Chateau.  I haven't tracked down the one on the right yet. It has a beautiful blue and pink sky which matches my pink sofa and ties all the colours in the room together!

I unpacked the box that contained my rainbow of gin bottles.  They're all empty except for the orange one.  They're sitting on top of the yellow corner unit I bought on impulse during lockdown at hugely discounted price.  The brown wall will be painted Natural Calico next week so the colours will pop a bit more (I hope!)

Thanks for all the suggestions on what to put on my Harry Potter shelf.  At some point I'll indulge in something a bit unique.  For now I've put a special bottle of gin up there as I thought the shape was perfect and it has a wax seal.  It's a limited edition 2021 Stirling gin called OlypmiGIN, info HERE.  It has gold flakes in it.  My youngest son gifted me it when he moved out.  It's still unopened.  Not sure if I'll ever open it now.  The Niffler looks like he's trying to get the gold which if you know about Nifflers is very appropriate!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚


  1. Your new house looks great! Always good to have a few items on hand to move around and get the look you want and no need to buy which is a bonus! Laura in France

    1. Thanks! I have a whole (small) bedroom just full of boxes of 'stuff' and loads of pictures, artwork and mirrors. I brought it all with me and will donate what I decide not to use. One of the benefits of downsizing is an excess of 'stuff' to shop from at home. Frugality at it's best!! :-) xxx

  2. Oh Ali do not do anything to that dresser, it is stunning and I would love it๐Ÿ˜‰, it lends itself to endless possibilities but no paint please, you will have fun constantly re-dressing it either during the seasons or over the coming years. Enjoy!! Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Don't worry, I'm not painting it. I've just thought about it over the years. It fits in with my shabby chic colourful look in it's natural woodiness :-) xxx

  3. Wow-the sideboard with the lamps and pictures is stunning. Think you should recover your chair in orange velvet.,Catriona

    1. I did think about doing it orange but then would there be too much orange? Maybe something with an orange stripe? Dunno if such a thing exists :-) xxx

  4. Wow, Ali. Your decor is looking so wonderful. I really love the pops of colour and that Welsh dresser is stunning just the way it is.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks! Yep keeping the dresser as it is :-) xxx

  5. Loving your sideboard Ali x

    1. Thanks! I'm glad I brought it with me and I'm not painting it :-) xxx

  6. I think it's looking amazing and I really do love that sideboard. xx

    1. It's a bit unique and I love it :-) xxx

  7. I know it will be a lot of work and maybe not a project for now but, I would sand the dresser and remove all scratches and imperfections and reseal it with a lighter varnish it will look fabulous and the lighter colour will show it off beautifully.

    1. I have considered doing that as I think it would be lovely. There are a lot of carved bits and I'm not sure how easily they would sand. My next post will be all about the dresser/sideboard :-) xxx

  8. That looks like the perfect layout around the dresser. When you get it right it all falls into place doesn't it and you just know it can stay that way.

    1. It took ages and many emptying of boxes and moving stuff around! LOL!! :-) xxx


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