Wednesday 19 July 2023

My blue beds


I'm pleased to see that while I was away the raised beds in my front garden are thriving.  This bed is the one the tulips were in.  Once they'd died back I removed all the brown leaves and topped it up with a bag of compost from B&Q.  The bulbs are still in place for next year.  I transplanted the remaining leeks (the other half are on the plot) and sowed some mixed lettuce bowl seeds.  My blue beds are south facing so are in direct sun most of the day.  These leeks are twice the size of the ones on my plot!

I have cabbages and courgettes in this bed.  The cabbages were small plants my Lovely Mum gifted me and the courgettes I grew from seed!  I'll need to remove a couple if they get much bigger 😮

Look!  I have a flower and it's a female one so my first courgette is on it's way 🎉 I laugh when I see and hear people complaining they have too many.  I never have enough!!!

I picked my first blueberries 😋  My son and DIL netted the pots while I was away so none were lost to the birds this year! 🐦

I had picked some of my lavender to dry on a sunny window.  I took the dried buds off and the smell was amazing!

I put it in a jar with olive oil and it's sitting on a sunny windowsill.  This is the solar extraction method. You could leave it in a dark cupboard for longer or warm it in a pan over a low heat.   It takes a week and hopefully I'll have a lavender scented oil to make a salve.

When I was a wee girl I loved making potions with rose petals and flowers or grass to make 'perfume' 😂  I guess this is the grown up version 😊


  1. That lavender oil is going to be gorgeous. I sometimes make soap as a hobby and lavender is a top favourite x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Making soap is definitely on my list of things to do!!! :-)

  2. Another childhood 'perfume' maker here. I use a lot of lavender oil around the home and enjoy using dried lavender flowers from the garden in baking, but have never attempted to make a salve. I hope you will post an update when you make it. x

    1. Your comment has just appeared! Blogger can be weird sometimes. Yes, I'll definitely do an update on making a salve :-)

  3. I used to love making perfume by shaking flower petals in a jar with the lid held tight. More lavender is needed for our garden and I need to choose some and keep it under control as the last lot totally overgrew everything else in the planter! Catriona

    1. I had several lavenders around the garden and I had some at the allotment too. But only 2 plants have survived to produce a load of flowers. No idea why these 2 survived but the others didn't! the bees love them :-)

  4. I hope to be making my lavender infused oil this week. I think I just might have enough buds now. I plan on making some lotion with mine.

    I may harvest more and make small sachets to go in my drawers to make things smell beautifully.

    God bless.

    1. I may harvest some more just to make some sachets! :-)

  5. The lovely blue of those raised beds sets the veggies off perfectly, it all looks very productive. :-)

    1. It's a very striking blue called Barleywood. You wouldn't think it would be that bright from the colour on the tin :-)

  6. When me and my cousin were younger we would gather rose petals from Mum’s garden and make ‘perfume’ basically shoving them in a bucket of rainwater and stirring with a stick. We’d then leave it. Oh my heavens it stank ! Hahaha

  7. Sorry that’s Me again - Rachel Eternally 28 x


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