Wednesday 12 June 2024

Best yellow sticker bargain ever?


I can't claim credit for this one.  Now that my son and DIL live right in the town centre they can nip into M&S and the Sainsbury's Local just before closing and scoop up any bargains.  This is an Indian meal bag for 2 reduced from £9.25 to 10p.  Yes, 10p!!!!

My DIL froze it for me in their freezer and I picked it up when I took my son to work.  It's now in my freezer and will make 2 very nice treat meals for me at some point.  Since we all lived together we know what each other likes so we're always on the lookout for good bargains to share.

I don't think I've ever had such a good yellow sticker bargain on it's own!!  She's an expert now! 😊


  1. Now that is good value! Well done her, it's nice that you are still looking out for bargains for each other.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. We have a mental list of 'stuff' we know the other likes/needs so it works both ways :-) xxx

  2. What a good bargain - sounds very tasty

    1. It's actually decent for a ready meal. Def a treat for me these days :-) xxx

  3. That's the best yellow label discount that I've ever seen. X

  4. Wow-and such a tasty bargain too! Catriona

  5. What a find! Great deal and saving food waste, can’t beat that :-)

  6. Wow, that is one great bargain.

    God bless.

    1. It really is the best one yet! :-) xxx

  7. Wow! That is most definitely the best yellow sticker ever! It's so nice that your daughter in law and yourself pick up bargains for each other. The best example of family values, in my opinion.

  8. Wow, an amazing bargain. It's good that they are going to be able to pick up stuff that they know you like as well as things for themselves. You've trained them well in the art of 'yellow sticker shopping'. :-)

    1. Yep, I've trained all my sons and DILs in the art of finding YS bargains. Lol! :-) xxx


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