Monday 10 June 2024

Cheese scones


I'm a bit obsessed with cheese scones at the moment.  I made a batch yesterday to test my oven for baking but remembered too late I didn't have a rolling pin any more (DIL took hers with her.)  So I gently patted the dough out into a round and cut it into wedges as I remembered seeing triangular scones before.  It worked out really well!  I'm doing it this way from now on!  Quicker and less faff than cutting them out 😋

Recipe loosely based on a BBC food recipe.  I'm writing it down so I don't have to keep searching for it!!

  • 225g plain flour
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne powder
  • 55g chilled unsalted butter
  • 100 to 120g finely grated cheese (depends on how strong it is!)
  • 90 to 100ml milk
Sieve dry ingredients together.  Rub in butter until breadcrumb consistency. Stir in cheese. Add about 90ml milk to form a dough.  Add more milk if needed.  Gently roll/pat dough into a round and cut into 6 equal triangle pieces.  Brush tops with remaining milk and put on baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Bake at 200C/180C fan for 15 mins.

The weather here has been very cold for June.  Last night we had hailstones for a full 10 mins!  The sky was black on one side and brilliant sunshine on the other!  Luna was bemused, as was I!!!


  1. I was brought up on triangular scones. The more you work a scone dough, the tougher it becomes (same with pastry), so all the reworkings from the cut out rounds become progressively tougher. Also, there are no wee scraps left over, and it's one less thing to wash up too. My granny's scones always had floury tops - the every bit of flour she used on the worktop got gathered up and sprinkled on so absolutely nothing was wasted.

    1. We didn't really have scones in our family, it was always pancakes aka drop scones. I don't know why I didn't think of it before! Of course it's better for the dough, I'm an idiot! LOL!! :-) xxx

  2. Who isn't obsessed with cheese scones? They are the very best (assuming enough cheese, of course).
    Triangular scones are so much easier. xx

    1. I'm kicking myself for not realising it earlier!! :-) xxx

  3. Love, love, love cheese scones. And yes I pat them out and cut into triangles too, far less fiddly!

    1. Def much easier!! Love cheese scones! :-) xxx

  4. Yes to triangular cheese scones, so much quicker. Yours look very tasty.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. They were flipping delicious!! :-) xxx

  5. I was taught at school to make scones this way-no waste and no rolling to make the dough tough. Cheese scones are my favourite kind. Catriona

    1. No one in my family made them and it's not something we made at school. I feel I've missed out!!! They're my absolute favourite thing at the moment! :-) xxx

  6. Mum made large batches of plain or rich fruit scones in the Rayburn. Cheese scones had a little mustard powder added so less cheese was needed for flavour. Lard makes light scones. Roughly triangular scones were made for quickness. Stale scones were split and toasted under the grill.
    I have been making rock buns, as they are even easier than scones.

    1. I'm going to try sweet triangle scones next time. Can't believe I've never thought of it before!! :-) xxx

  7. Hi Ali, did you use free from flour or normal plain flour. I love scones and struggle with making them gluten free.
    Tish x

    1. I use organic normal plain flour. GF flour wasn't making any difference to my digestive issues, I think it was the xanthan gum that doesn't agree with me. The more I researched UPFs I realised that it was the processed additives in foods (esp in GF products) that made my stomach worse. I try to limit my gluten intake and that seems to be working for now :-) xxx

  8. I have always made triangular that not correct? Never made cheese scones though, so perhaps I need to give that a try.

    God bless.

    1. I'm now learning that lots of people make them triangular but I only see the round ones in shops. And for the classic British Afternoon Tea it's always the round ones. Try the cheese ones, they're delicious!! :-) xxx

  9. I definitely need to bake some of these. I imagine they would be delicious with soup. Xx

    1. Ooo yes, that would be yummy! :-) xxx

  10. These are the sort of scones I make most often, I only cut them into rounds if I'm making some for Mum, she prefers them that way. I usually end up with just four very large ones, maybe I should cut mine into six and stop being so greedy. 😄.

    1. Lol!! I ate 2 which makes me greedy too! :-) xxx


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