Sunday 2 June 2024

I'm in!


I'm in my new house!  The move went fairly smoothly despite a bit of hanging about in town for a few hours waiting for money to be transferred and collecting keys.  It took longer as there were 2 properties I guess.  

Luna survived her first stay in kennels.  She was confused as to why we were somewhere different but all our stuff was here.  She loves her new garden especially the grass, which she'll wreck in no time! 🙄

As expected the house needs completely redecorated from top to bottom.  There's random wallpaper ripped or hanging off the walls.  They've badly painted many rooms where you can clearly see the previous colour and even painted over drawing pins left in the wall!!

They took the lightbulbs AND the wee ring that holds on the lightshades.

They left the curtain poles but took all the rings and finials.  Luckily I had a pack of rings (only 10 though) so I could at least get my bedroom curtains up.

They took the shed and rotary washing dryer from the garden, one of the French doors is missing the key so it can't open and the gate wouldn't shut.

Before I collected Luna I went to B&Q and got some bolts so that was the first DIY job done 👍

I also popped into Tesco to get a few basics and picked up 4 new mugs to match the 2 I already had.  I'm quite particular about mugs and these are big with a fine edge.  Plus they were only £2 with my Clubcard.

The kitchen deserves an entire post to itself!!!!!

My friend came over yesterday to help me unpack some boxes and I've moved the living room furniture around a few times until I got a layout I think will work.

I've got my broadband up and running so I can start ordering stuff I need, like new light fittings!! 💡

Despite all the work this wee house needs, it actually feels good.  I think I will be very happy here for a long time 😊


  1. Congratulations, you've plenty of time to make it you own ... just try to have fun doing it. 😀

    Taking the light fitments and the finials and curtain rings is so wrong. How do people live with themselves!! It beggars belief.

    1. It's just mean! I left loo roll, hand soap and washing up liquid. Folk are weird!! :-) xxx

  2. Well done Ali, now the fun starts, just think of all the ways to make your new home wonderful. Unbelievable that the previous owners took the light bulbs and curtain fittings, what eejits!!, at least you can now breathe and enjoy your future. Jan in Castle Gresley xx

    1. Mean eejits! I have loads of plans and as it's such a small house it's all very straightforward and hopefully not too expensive :-) xxx

  3. Well done you! All moved in and settled. Very good news.
    Taking the lightbulbs and the fittings is pathetic and mean. People are very odd. Surprised they took the shed too. People are just ODD.

    1. I'm not surprised they took the shed. I just had a feeling they'd take everything of value. Sheds are expensive as I'm finding out!! :-) xxx

  4. And you were worried about thinning out a few plants. You will have fun turning it into your home

    1. I know!! Yep, really looking forward to having fun making it all mine, no compromises :-) xxx

  5. Congratulations on getting in, despite the missing items. At least the grass has been cut! Or did you have to do that too?
    I can recommend Central Sheds outside Denny. Nice thick wood, and the shed I bought from them was still in excellent condition after 12 years. Whoever you buy from, do order anti theft screws.
    I'm up north just now. I met the daughter with POA for the house with the legal delay. She kindly offered me anything I want from the house, so she's leaving me a mid century wall unit, a washing machine which is much newer than mine, and a nice wardrobe and chest of drawers. Still awaiting an end to the legal hitch, but everyone is keen to conclude things ASAP. xxx

    1. Thanks for the shed tip!! I think it will be worth getting a really good one in the long run. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your move to get the green light. How lovely you can keep some of the furniture :-) xxx

  6. Congratulations on your move, I hope you're very Happy in your New Home x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks! I'm just glad it's all over :-) xxx

  7. What a lovely post, Ali-I feel sure you will be very happy in your own wee home. Love the mugs-I’m fussy about mugs too! Catriona

    1. I am very fussy when it comes to mugs!! I hate having a 'half cup' of coffee in a small mug! LOL!! :-) xxx

  8. Well done, I bet it feels fab. 😁
    Did they say they were taking the shed?
    Folk are down right strange when it comes to what they will take. The old dear I bought my flat from moved to the ground floor to a flat with a glass shower screen. She took the shower curtain and rings despite knowing she had no use for them. 🙄
    Anyway, rhese things are soon forgotten. You'll soon be putting your stamp on the place and it will feel like home.
    We had to get rid of 2 rotten sheds when we moved here. We replaced them with a Keter plastic one, haven't regretted it.

    1. It wasn't specifically mentioned, I just assumed it would stay so didn't mention it in the conditions. They've left the rotten falling down unusable one though!!! :-) xxx

    2. Best wishes in your new house and garden.

      If it was perfectly decorated you would lodge in a house with someone else’s taste, but as you have to decorate, it will soon feel like your home.

    3. Some décor I can live with for a wee while. But it's so bad it was actually mentioned in the home report!! Luckily the house has just 5 rooms and the hall/stairs so it won't take me long if I get my head down :-) xxx

  9. Lovely news - except for the missing lightbulbs and fittings - that's just weird.
    You will have great fun getting settled in

    1. I wasn't surprised as the poor house has been so badly neglected and not cared for at all. They did leave a few lightbulbs but most were gone!! :-) xxx

  10. Congratulations! WIshing you many happy years in your new home and lots of happy painting parties! Re them taking everything - my friend downsized and sold her home to a younger couple moving up from a small house so she left behind a few bits of furniture like her dining table as the woman had stated she'd need to get one. They then sued my friend for leaving stuff behind that they would have to pay to get rid of!! People really are weird. x

    1. Thanks! Agree, people are just weird! I left my huge dining table, washing machine and freezer but we'd agreed that beforehand :-) xxx

  11. What a lovely deck and back yard! Luna will love it.

    1. It's actually a great size. I have so many plans :-) xxx

  12. So great that you feel comfortable in your new home, you can nestle in and make it yours now

    1. It's already looking homey despite the bad décor!! :-) xxx

  13. Congratulations. I am glad the move went well. Now the fun begins!

    1. Yep, pink paint already ordered... :-) xxx

  14. Congratulations, now you can relax and let the fun part begin! Can’t believe they took the light bulbs, I’m like you and leave everything spotless with loo paper etc, for the new occupants 😂

    1. I've got 1 urgent job to sort this week, everything else can be done at a slower pace :-) xxx

  15. Congratulations on getting into your new place. I can't believe they took the light fixtures, light bulbs and the curtain rings. I think I might be asking for a refund of some of the purchase cost, if at all possible.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks! I did buy it for a price under the HR value to reflect the state of it. Def a case of buying the worst house on the best street :-) xxx

  16. Viel Freude und eine schnelle Eingewöhnung an diesem neuen Ort. Es wird bald sich nach ihrem Zuhause anfühlen. Alles Liebe, Katja

  17. You are amazing ; looking forward to any updates x I have sever ME and 80% bed bound xx

    1. Thanks! My son has ME so I know how devasting it can be. Take care :-) xxx

  18. Like everyone else, I can’t believe they took the light bulbs. We had to buy new curtain rails too. One of the first things we did when we moved was to remove the dark green wallpaper from the north facing kitchen. It made such a difference. Enjoy your new home.

    1. Everything needs decorated/replaced. I can't decide yet where to start first!!! :-) xxx

  19. I'm so thrilled for you. Now to turn it into a home. Xx

  20. At last! Congratulations. How strange to take all those bits and pieces though - I wonder why. A nuisance about the shed but it will be nice to start of life in your new home with a few new things, I guess.
    Hope it all goes smoothly over the next weeks/months. I'm looking forward to reading all about it. xx

    1. It was such a weird thing to do! But some people are weird, I guess!! So far everything is going according to plan so fingers crossed that continues! :-) xxx


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