Thursday 6 June 2024

Happy 1st birthday Luna!


Luna is one year old today!  It's hard to believe that she's completely healthy and all grown up.  She's now 26kg which is about the average weight for a female Lab her size/build.  She's booked in for her wee op next month so there will be no wee Lunas running about!!

Today she 'helped' me build a flat pack bookcase.  I've made a mistake putting a bit at the top that should be on the bottom and vice versa.  But to undo it would mean me taking the whole thing apart and that ain't happening for a decorative piece of wood!!  I'll maybe add a trim over it and call it a hack!  My plan is to paint it a bright colour, maybe orange or turquoise.  Paint samples are on their way!

But I have too many books and not enough space to build another bookcase anywhere else.  I need to cull some (I've already culled them by half before moving!) or find other ways to display them.  I have at least 2 more boxes upstairs plus the ones in my bedroom 😮


  1. Happy Birthday Luna . . .
    The bookcase will look lovely painted. xx

    1. Thanks! It will be orange or turquoise. Or maybe both! :-) xxx

  2. Luna is gorgeous. Has she claimed the chair? Xx

    1. Thanks! Funnily enough it was Emma who used to sleep on this chair when I was at work. It has a throw on it because she scratched and ripped the seat cushion. It got damaged in the move (back bit is broken) so I think it will need some professional TLC :-) xxx

  3. Happy birthday to Luna. Ours was also a year old in April. The neutering question is hanging over us.

    1. Thanks! I normally do it before their first season but the vet recommended waiting for Luna as she'd had a traumatic start with vet treatment. I don't want puppies so it was always on the cards :-) xxx

  4. It looks perfect to me. Well done.

    1. Thanks! It was supposed to take 40 mins with 2 people and I did it in just over an hour by myself. Luckily it wasn't heavy so it was manageable :-) xxx

  5. Happy Birthday to Luna. I hope she had a great day. I like the style of your bookcase.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks! It's a basic design but made of real wood not chipboard :-) xxx

  6. Happy first birthday to Luna. Doesn't seem a year, but I do remember how poorly she was at first. Luckily, she is now a beautiful girl.

    1. Thanks! There were a few points where I was warned she might not make it so I'm happy we made it safely to her first birthday and she's very healthy! She's also a diva but that's another story! Lol!! :-) xxx

  7. Wishing lovely Luna a very Happy Birthday 🎉
    Alison in Wales x

  8. It is difficult to believe that the lovely Luna is one year old already! As for culling books, let's just say that it is an ongoing battle here... :)

    1. I used to have 3 full bookcases, then I went down to 2 and now I only have 1! Yep, it's an ongoing battle here too! :-) xxx

  9. Well done on building something for your new home. Luna’s face says she’s the queen of the castle sitting on her throne.Glad she is now healthy. Catriona

    1. Oh yes, she thinks she's the queen!!! I was rather chuffed with myself building the bookcase until I realised the facing was on upside down! At least it was just a cosmetic error but I'm not taking it apart to fix :-) xxx

  10. She's looking like a lovely healthy dog now, all thanks to you. Happy Birthday Luna. xx


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