Wednesday 5 June 2024

How much???


Have you seen the price of sheds???  Oh my goodness I went down a rabbit hole and know more about sheds than I thought I ever wanted to know!  I need a 7ft x 5ft shed.  That's the size of the slabbed area where the previous one stood!  At least I don't have to pay for that!  They range in price starting at around the £400 mark.  That's just for the shed.  Sometimes you need to buy the base and the floor separately.  You might need to pay extra for delivery.  And if you want someone to build it obviously that's extra too!

I considered a cheap one and I considered putting it up myself (I've built a small one myself before) but in the end I took Groatie's suggestion (huge thanks!!) of using a local company that build bespoke wooden structures.  Shed, delivery and construction in my garden is costing me £890.  I could have bought one from B&Q for a similar price so I'm really happy I'm supporting a local family run business.  My Lovely Mum gave me some money as a house warming present so I'm using that to pay for some of it.  It should arrive in 3 weeks!

Once I have a shed to store things, I can start to play Tetris with all the 'stuff' in the back bedroom then I can get started with the serious DIYing.  In the mean time I'll be stripping the wallpaper in the lounge and painting something in the kitchen 😉


  1. And she is off out of the starting blocks🐎, there is no holding this frisky filly as she romps ahead in the race to her goal, looks like the ground will be covered swiftly as her determination to complete this race is amazing especially going on past form!! (Though you might like a laugh, honestly though Ali good luck with the renovations and keep us informed. Ja in Castle Gresley😉xx

    1. Lol!! It does feel like I'm off out the starting blocks. My list is growing by the minute as I think of something else that needs done! :-) xxx

  2. I am amazed at how much sheds cost now. We have two, one is a metal one that we have had for 40+ years and the other is one of those plastic ones that sits against the side of the house and stores a few items for us. Glad you decided to get someone to put yours up for you.

    God bless.

    1. The wee shed I built myself 8 years ago was starting to fall apart so def worth getting a pro in. Plus if they're local I can call them back to fix it! I do hope mine lasts as long as yours!! :-) xxx

  3. Moving house is an expensive business! However your new shed will be much nicer than the one that should have been left. Wishing you all the best with Tetris, wallpaper stripping and getting settled in your new home. (After 3 years in my new home I’m still contemplating a large closet of boxed stereo that belonged to my late husband. It needs unpacking, cataloging and selling - a large and difficult task)

    1. Buying a shed wasn't on my list of expenses but at least I'll know it's a sturdy one. Good luck unpacking your precious boxes :-) xxx

  4. Sheds cost the earth, don't they? Such useful things to have though and I love the way you have gone with this one. It will look lovely. xx

    1. I don't have a garage so really need somewhere to store garden equipment and DIY stuff. My loft isn't easily accessible so would rather not put stuff up there . Plus I have the roof issue any way. This is a generic one so mine will look a bit different :-) xxx

  5. We are hoping that the people we are buying from will leave their shed but if not all shed and garage stuff is being packed in plastic boxes so it can live outside. I feel like I'm in limbo waiting for stuff to happen. Good luck with the decorating.

    1. Ask them, that's the mistake I made. I just assumed they'd leave it.
      I even told them when I viewed the second time that not having a garage was a bit of a concern. I'd even have bought the shed from them! :-) xxx

    2. Ali, we have asked for it to be included but we shall see, another tip run again today, I'm on 1st name terms with the workmen there. Xx

  6. So glad you don't have too long to wait for your shed. One of the deciding features of the house I'm waiting to buy is a summerhouse with attached shed, both with power. Some work is needed, and the house is a 1970s time capsule, and like you, I'll be sorting it out on a budget. Hopefully sometime soon! xxx

    1. I thought 3 weeks was brilliant! My previous house was a bit of 1970s time capsule with painted woodchip paper and brown carpets!! This wee house has just been neglected. I'm loving the challenge of doing it all on a tight budget! :-) xxx

  7. Sheds and greenhouses cost the earth now, wonder if it's partly because of the popularity of gardening going up in lockdown?
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Maybe but I suspect the cost of wood is a big factor in shed costs. I can't wait to it done then the next bit can get started! :-) xxx

  8. There was a glass shortage and a wood shortage - most comes from overseas and now they have to pay more to import .
    All jolly good fun!
    Good luck with all the sorting out.

    1. I think lockdown and Brexit have shown us how much we import! And the costs have obviously increased due to a captive market!! As you say, all good fun! :-) xxx


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