It's been very wet the last few days which is good for my parched garden and plot. I popped down yesterday to pick my berries only to discover that the birds had got to my blackcurrants 😱 And they'd broken 2 big branches by standing on them. I did have netting on that bed but it had blown off and I'd never got round to replacing it. Heyho, my own fault! You'll see in the video how many I got!! 😂
I decided to make gooseberry gin liqueur with a bottle of gin my Lovely Mum had opened and not used in ages. Neither of us are keen on this one. I froze the gooseberries to soften the skin (like you do with sloes) so I didn't need to prick each one!! I'll let it sit for a few months to infuse then make jam with the gooseberries when I strain them off. Flavoured gin and jam from the same berries 😋
I've been drying some rose petals on my sunny window so I can make a rosemary and rose infused oil to make a salve later in the Summer. I'm definitely going to be making more lotions and potions with my garden produce. These petals came from the rose Very Berry which is growing abundantly in my front garden in one of the raised beds 🌹
Gorgeous and has a lovely rose scent!
P.S. Just one more day until I retire!! 🎈🎉🎊