My Tesco shop yesterday included a large fresh chicken (it was a Clubcard offer!) The label describes a large chicken as being between 1.5kg and 1.9kg (as per photo above) so I looked for the biggest one I could get. Yep, I even pulled a few out to get to the ones at the back!! 👀
This was the biggest one! I looked at every single one on the shelf to get my money's worth of chicken!! I know another 206g (7oz) of chicken doesn't necessarily produce an equivalent amount of edible meat but hey, it could be enough for another frugal meal. So I'm always going to check from now on!
The label also says it serves 5 but we all know we can get more than 5 servings from a large chicken! Plus I have the bones/carcass simmering in the Crockpot for stock. I'll make soup tomorrow once it's cooled and I'll skim off and save the chicken fat for making pastry. I think I'll make some individual chicken pies for the freezer.
I have also been 'sharing' my roast chicken with both dogs as they BOTH have a nasty bout of diarrhoea. Luckily I now keep some doggy probiotics in the cupboard, much cheaper than vet prescribed ones. A day or 2 of chicken, rice and scrambled egg should hopefully help settle their tummies.
As I've mentioned previously, I've been working on removing ultra processed foods/ingredients (UPFs) from my diet. I was shocked when I looked at the label on my Hellman's mayonnaise today. It contains calcium disodium EDTA which is a medication to treat lead poisoning. It's a classic use of a UPF that has found it's way into the food chain as a cheap preservative. I don't know if it's always been in there or they now have to declare it. But I'll not be eating it again. I can and will be making my own mayo from scratch from now on.
I also needed salt. Many of them contained an anti caking ingredient (sodium hexacyanoferrate II or sodium ferrocyanide.) This was the only one that didn't have any! And of course it's more expensive. BUT I have noticed a huge difference in my digestive health since I stopped eating over processed gluten free and dairy free products and eliminating these hidden UPFs. So it's worth it for me to check every single label and make everything from scratch. And so far I'm managing to do it within my tight budget! 😊