OH spent weeks in his spare time building me a fully enclosed chicken run. I finally got my chickens :-)
A rare one with all 3 girls!
At the end of term I dyed my hair pink and we sent off to Northern Ireland for a fabulous holiday. We will definitely go back there on day.
My kitchen saga rumbles on but I painted my door purple to match the tiles. I've still to resolve the flooring issue but I have some money saved so will splash out on something suitable in the new year sales.
This picture still makes me laugh! That post was my most viewed one and got the most comments. It was lovely to see lots of us have been in this position and how we've flourished and grown :-)
I've ended the year with a full blown attack on my health. I've spent the last week being really not well and I'm determined that in 2016 my health and fitness is an absolute priority.
I try not to make resolutions but there are a few things that need to be addressed asap beginning with a focus to improve my immune system. I am susceptible to every bug and virus that sweeps the school. I suspect my work/life balance is key here and once I get that sorted it will be easier.
Hopefully 2016 will be the year my job situation gets sorted out but beyond that being healthy and happy are all I hope for.
Thank you to you all for reading and commenting on my blog. Here's wishing you a very Happy New Year, may it bring all you deserve and more.
Ali xxx