Thursday 5 October 2023

I should have planned this better!!


This is all the coffee I have to last me until the end of October, if I stick to a no spend month.  Less than half a jar of instant.  This is a serious situation for me!  Luckily I found half a packet of ground filter coffee lurking at the back of my fridge. I know it has definitely been in there since at least May as it was gifted to me by my Lovely Mum. I'm rationing myself to one large cup a day.

I'm also very low on salt, both types.  I used a fair amount to brine my cucumbers to make the bread and butter pickles and didn't check to see how much I had left.

And this all the honey I have left 🍯  I really didn't plan this no spend month at all.  But then, if I'd stocked up on stuff in September I'd just have moved my spending costs into a different month.  I'll do my best to make do with what I have.  

Unfortunately the vet bills are still racking up as Luna is still testing positive for giardia 😭😭 It costs £170.14 for each poop test.  Emma had a nasty bout of bloody diarrhoea at the weekend and is now on 10 days of antibiotics.  The vet is now treating them both at the same time for giardia as she thinks they're just passing it back and forward to each other.  It's all very stressful for me and the dogs who are totally confused by all the cleaning and new toileting procedures.  I'm bleaching all surfaces they sit on and practically boil washing all their bedding and my clothes etc.  And I'll need to pay for 2 more poop tests for them both.  

Might need to do a few no spend months at this rate!!! 


  1. How stressful - and expensive. And the prospect of possibly running out of coffee makes it even more stressful! What a shame the two dogs are constantly passing the germs between each other, I don't know how you're managing to cope with that. I hope it's all resolved soon.

    1. It's very stressful between the dogs and my mum. My hair is actually falling out. Basically I've sectioned off the house and garden into 2 separate areas and the dogs are kept apart. But even that's not been enough. My vet is stumped which doesn't help either!!

  2. I’m really sorry to hear that both dogs are still not 100%. Catriona

  3. Sorry you’re going through this. Are you able to pick up some work - a couple of days on call teaching each week? - to bolster your bank account?


    1. Luckily I have an emergency fund saved up but it's had a huge dent in it with all this going on!! I could work but I'd have to pay someone to puppy watch so it would defeat the purpose. I'll get through this in time

  4. This all sounds horrible in so many ways. Really hope the latest rounds of treatment will sort things out

    1. You know it's not good when your vet is stumped as to why it's not responding to treatment!

  5. Oh've had some serious bonding with your puppy to cope with. Hope it all settles down really soon. x

    1. I do hope so! My vet is working on an alternative plan of action

  6. That really does sound very stressful for you all. Like the others, I do hope it settles and sorts out very soon. xx

    1. I'm hoping it all settles and we can just 'get on with it' soon!!


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